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  • Share Will you run more 353 buses as a result? Currently they only run 20mins and there are many occasions when not everyone can fit on the bus, particularly in the mornings due to the school kids. If you pull the bus route you are suggesting, this will saturate the 353 making it even more difficult for people to travel. on Facebook Share Will you run more 353 buses as a result? Currently they only run 20mins and there are many occasions when not everyone can fit on the bus, particularly in the mornings due to the school kids. If you pull the bus route you are suggesting, this will saturate the 353 making it even more difficult for people to travel. on Twitter Share Will you run more 353 buses as a result? Currently they only run 20mins and there are many occasions when not everyone can fit on the bus, particularly in the mornings due to the school kids. If you pull the bus route you are suggesting, this will saturate the 353 making it even more difficult for people to travel. on Linkedin Email Will you run more 353 buses as a result? Currently they only run 20mins and there are many occasions when not everyone can fit on the bus, particularly in the mornings due to the school kids. If you pull the bus route you are suggesting, this will saturate the 353 making it even more difficult for people to travel. link

    Will you run more 353 buses as a result? Currently they only run 20mins and there are many occasions when not everyone can fit on the bus, particularly in the mornings due to the school kids. If you pull the bus route you are suggesting, this will saturate the 353 making it even more difficult for people to travel.

    Ellie Scott asked 1 day ago

    Dear Ellie 

    The 353 bus service will remain unchanged at a bus every 20 minutes Monday to Saturday daytimes. Our data indicates the 353 bus route can accommodate additional demand at school times when operating reliably. However, we would monitor usage to determine whether any additional capacity is required in the future.

    Thank you

    TfL Consultation Team