Consultation has concluded
  • Share Within the consultation it says there will be minimal disruption to the current traffic flow. I would like to understand this further as how you have come to thsi conclusion? on Facebook Share Within the consultation it says there will be minimal disruption to the current traffic flow. I would like to understand this further as how you have come to thsi conclusion? on Twitter Share Within the consultation it says there will be minimal disruption to the current traffic flow. I would like to understand this further as how you have come to thsi conclusion? on Linkedin Email Within the consultation it says there will be minimal disruption to the current traffic flow. I would like to understand this further as how you have come to thsi conclusion? link

    Within the consultation it says there will be minimal disruption to the current traffic flow. I would like to understand this further as how you have come to thsi conclusion?

    Digger1964 asked about 1 year ago

    The new signals will have adequate capacity to facilitate the quantity of traffic with no impact to the surrounding area whilst providing an acceptable waiting time.

  • Share Your link for adding views isn’t working so I’m submitting my views via this Question portal - Sevenoaks council are proposing to make this area a public order protection area because of the car/ drag racing that has been a constant issue for SDC and the Police - by opening up this junction you will be inviting even more racers to speed up London Road as it’s about 2 mile stretch up to polhill . Surely the installation of speed cameras along the A21 would be more impactful, and better use of funds ? And in doing so , by also leaving the A21 : London rd junction closed then you will be preventing more speeding offences from being caused - the police have already said that they don’t have the resources to constantly be in the area so please keep this junction closed as it will serve as a prevention for speeding in the area on Facebook Share Your link for adding views isn’t working so I’m submitting my views via this Question portal - Sevenoaks council are proposing to make this area a public order protection area because of the car/ drag racing that has been a constant issue for SDC and the Police - by opening up this junction you will be inviting even more racers to speed up London Road as it’s about 2 mile stretch up to polhill . Surely the installation of speed cameras along the A21 would be more impactful, and better use of funds ? And in doing so , by also leaving the A21 : London rd junction closed then you will be preventing more speeding offences from being caused - the police have already said that they don’t have the resources to constantly be in the area so please keep this junction closed as it will serve as a prevention for speeding in the area on Twitter Share Your link for adding views isn’t working so I’m submitting my views via this Question portal - Sevenoaks council are proposing to make this area a public order protection area because of the car/ drag racing that has been a constant issue for SDC and the Police - by opening up this junction you will be inviting even more racers to speed up London Road as it’s about 2 mile stretch up to polhill . Surely the installation of speed cameras along the A21 would be more impactful, and better use of funds ? And in doing so , by also leaving the A21 : London rd junction closed then you will be preventing more speeding offences from being caused - the police have already said that they don’t have the resources to constantly be in the area so please keep this junction closed as it will serve as a prevention for speeding in the area on Linkedin Email Your link for adding views isn’t working so I’m submitting my views via this Question portal - Sevenoaks council are proposing to make this area a public order protection area because of the car/ drag racing that has been a constant issue for SDC and the Police - by opening up this junction you will be inviting even more racers to speed up London Road as it’s about 2 mile stretch up to polhill . Surely the installation of speed cameras along the A21 would be more impactful, and better use of funds ? And in doing so , by also leaving the A21 : London rd junction closed then you will be preventing more speeding offences from being caused - the police have already said that they don’t have the resources to constantly be in the area so please keep this junction closed as it will serve as a prevention for speeding in the area link

    Your link for adding views isn’t working so I’m submitting my views via this Question portal - Sevenoaks council are proposing to make this area a public order protection area because of the car/ drag racing that has been a constant issue for SDC and the Police - by opening up this junction you will be inviting even more racers to speed up London Road as it’s about 2 mile stretch up to polhill . Surely the installation of speed cameras along the A21 would be more impactful, and better use of funds ? And in doing so , by also leaving the A21 : London rd junction closed then you will be preventing more speeding offences from being caused - the police have already said that they don’t have the resources to constantly be in the area so please keep this junction closed as it will serve as a prevention for speeding in the area

    PerryWade asked 11 months ago

    We apologise you weren't able to upload via our online survey - these views will now be uploaded manually.

  • Share Within this consultation there is nothing that I have seen that shows the timeline for the proposed imorovements as well as the cost to implement on Facebook Share Within this consultation there is nothing that I have seen that shows the timeline for the proposed imorovements as well as the cost to implement on Twitter Share Within this consultation there is nothing that I have seen that shows the timeline for the proposed imorovements as well as the cost to implement on Linkedin Email Within this consultation there is nothing that I have seen that shows the timeline for the proposed imorovements as well as the cost to implement link

    Within this consultation there is nothing that I have seen that shows the timeline for the proposed imorovements as well as the cost to implement

    Digger1964 asked about 1 year ago

    We are aiming to implement a permanent scheme at the junction by the time the Emergency Traffic Order expires on 8 November 2024. In advance of any construction, we will publish a report on the outcome of the consultation and write to residents with details of the construction timeline and any temporary road closures required well in advance.


    In terms of cost, we are developing the final costings for the scheme and will have a more precise estimate during the next stage of design, following the outcome of the consultation and any design changes required.

  • Share My only hesitation with your plan is gow much ofabacklog you will create on the traffic controlled lanee of the a21 and if that will feed back to the main hewitts farm roundabout at busy times. I was relieved that your not traffic lighting the lane headinv towards that roundabout and 40mph seems sensible. on Facebook Share My only hesitation with your plan is gow much ofabacklog you will create on the traffic controlled lanee of the a21 and if that will feed back to the main hewitts farm roundabout at busy times. I was relieved that your not traffic lighting the lane headinv towards that roundabout and 40mph seems sensible. on Twitter Share My only hesitation with your plan is gow much ofabacklog you will create on the traffic controlled lanee of the a21 and if that will feed back to the main hewitts farm roundabout at busy times. I was relieved that your not traffic lighting the lane headinv towards that roundabout and 40mph seems sensible. on Linkedin Email My only hesitation with your plan is gow much ofabacklog you will create on the traffic controlled lanee of the a21 and if that will feed back to the main hewitts farm roundabout at busy times. I was relieved that your not traffic lighting the lane headinv towards that roundabout and 40mph seems sensible. link

    My only hesitation with your plan is gow much ofabacklog you will create on the traffic controlled lanee of the a21 and if that will feed back to the main hewitts farm roundabout at busy times. I was relieved that your not traffic lighting the lane headinv towards that roundabout and 40mph seems sensible.

    Sarah s asked about 1 year ago

    The modelling showed the westbound Mean Max Queue length in the AM is shown to be 175m. The predicted queue will remain a substantial distance from the roundabout that is located 700m away.

  • Share Are the consultation meetings at Knockholt Station am or pm? on Facebook Share Are the consultation meetings at Knockholt Station am or pm? on Twitter Share Are the consultation meetings at Knockholt Station am or pm? on Linkedin Email Are the consultation meetings at Knockholt Station am or pm? link

    Are the consultation meetings at Knockholt Station am or pm?

    Steve Evans asked about 1 year ago

    They were during the morning - I hope this helped.  Please leave a message and someone will call you back if you need any additional help.