Local environmental issues
Improving London’s Air Quality is a priority for the Mayor of London. The Mayor of London has an Air Quality Strategy aimed at improving our air and environment including ambitions to reduce vehicle emissions and the number of vehicles on the roads, and encouraging more walking, cycling and use of public transport. This includes implementing the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ).
The scheme would reduce exposure to poor air quality in the town centre by moving traffic on the South Circular away from public areas and shops. We anticipate that the improvements to walking and cycling infrastructure will encourage more people to travel on foot, by bike or on public transport, helping to reduce the number of car journeys and associated vehicle emissions.
The expansion of the ULEZ in 2021 to the boundary of the South Circular Road has had a positive impact on air quality so far. In August 2023 the ULEZ will be expanded further, beyond the South Circular Road to cover the whole of Greater London, helping to further improve air quality in this area and across London.
We hope that the physical changes proposed here combined with the policy changes being implemented through the ULEZ expansion will improve air quality in the town centre, and we are currently undertaking assessments of the proposals’ impact on air quality and noise. This work is ongoing and will be completed later this year.
The new road layout would incorporate a small section of the St Dunstan’s College Jubilee Ground at the existing vehicle access to the sports ground on Canadian Avenue. We have been working with St Dunstan’s College to mitigate the impact of the new road layout and to ensure the sports ground can function effectively throughout construction, and once the scheme is complete. We are working with the College to provide an alternative vehicular access to the sports ground.
In designing the scheme we have sought to minimise, the number of trees that will need to be removed. To compensate for any trees which need to be removed, the proposals include new trees and landscaping within the town centre. We will work with Lewisham Council to deliver a net increase in trees in Catford Town Centre.
Consultation has concluded