Planning for the future
Haringey Heartlands is a major development in the London Borough of Haringey, close to Wood Green town centre. The development will provide a new urban quarter in the heart of the borough, with regeneration centring on the Clarendon development on the former gas holder site, covering an area of approximately 12 hectares.
We have worked with the London Borough of Haringey and its partners to develop proposals to re-structure the local bus network so the area is better served with good access to public transport. The proposals are designed to be introduced over time as the development expands, with new highways being completed and people moving into the area.
If we proceed with the proposals, temporary routeings and stopping arrangements may be required until the road network within Haringey Heartlands has been fully constructed by LB Haringey and its partners. This includes any bus infrastructure needed within Haringey Heartlands. This is expected to be late-spring 2024.
The following sections include a series of maps showing the current and proposed routeing for each service.
On our maps, bus stop locations marked as “proposed” represent locations where we intend to site a new stop and one does not already exist.
Consultation has concluded