Proposal Two
a. Reroute U2 to West Drayton station to give new links to the Elizabeth line, it would no longer stop at Brunel University
Passengers for Brunel University could change onto the U4 or U7 at Hillingdon Hospital or walk 13 minutes.
The U2 would reroute at Hillingdon Hospital to connect to the Elizabeth Line at West Drayton station via Cowley Station Road, Cowley High Street, Cowley High Road, West Drayton High Street, Station Approach and terminate at West Drayton Station.
b. U2 would serve Oak Farm Estate at all operational times, instead of just middays Mondays to Saturdays
The U2 currently operates as a hail and ride service on Grosvenor Crescent, Leybourne Road and Ryefield Avenue on middays Mondays to Saturdays.
This means 300 households on the Oak Farm estate are remote from the bus network most of the time.
Depending on local feedback, we may introduce new fixed bus stops.
The U2 uses single deck buses.
The map below shows the proposed changes.
Consultation has concluded