Planning for the future
Providing the right bus services for Kidbrooke Village’s development
There is a substantial amount of development that has happened in recent years in the Kidbrooke area, including redevelopment of the Ferrier Estate now known as Kidbrooke Village, in the Royal Borough of Greenwich.
We have worked with the Royal Borough of Greenwich and its partners to develop proposals for a permanent bus network that would be introduced to the area in stages, with minimal disruption to current bus journeys. The proposals are designed to be introduced over time as the development expands, new roads are built and people move into the area.
The pattern of development of Kidbrooke Village has meant that the layout of roads and uses of land has changed and will continue to change over time, with some bus routes having to be changed as a result.
The development is now at a stage where some roads currently used by buses will soon be closed to allow the next stages of the development to proceed, with other roads soon to be fully open, allowing more direct routes to be available to buses. Our proposals take into account these road closures and openings.
Why do the bus routes need to change?
The current 178, 335 & B16 bus routes through Kidbrooke Village via Cambert Way and Ryan Close were designed to maintain connections to homes. These roads will be permanently closed to permit the next stages of the development.
There has always been a clear aspiration for buses to not simply keep to A2213 Kidbrooke Park Road but instead have buses serve the new and existing housing (i.e. to the east and west of Kidbrooke Park Road, instead of just up and down it).
Because of this, routes 178 and B16 currently operate in a more direct (progressive) routeing southbound towards (via Ryan Close). However, northbound the routes loop backwards on themselves to serve Ryan Close. Route 335 also loops backwards on itself this in both directions.
The proposal is to simplify bus routeings through the east side of Kidbrooke Village, improve access to the railway station and shops and improve journey times for through passengers.
Return to the main page for details of what is proposed, including a series of proposals (with maps) showing where each bus route goes now and what is proposed.
Consultation has concluded