Where is Redcliffe Gardens?

    These proposals relate to Redcliffe Gardens on the A3220 in the Royal Borough of Kensington and ChelseaThe area in scope of this consultation is shown below. 

    London Ordnance Survey map locating Redcliffe Gardens

    A3220 Redcliffe Gardens forms part of the Transport for London Road Network. It is a one-way street between Old Brompton Road and Fulham Road.  

    What is a ‘bus boarder’?

    Bus boarders create a fully accessible area for wheelchair, and buggy users to get on and off the bus. They also help ensure buses can access the bus stop and re-join traffic more efficiently, which helps to improve bus journey times. 

    What is a ‘raised table’ ?

    Raised tables are raised sections of the road with a ramp each side, marked with white arrows to make road users aware. They are designed to slow traffic to a safer speed. The following image is an example of a raised crossing.

    What is Vision Zero?

    Major cities around the world are taking a stand to end the toll of deaths and injury seen on their roads and transport networks by committing to Vision Zero. London is at the forefront of this approach and the Mayor's Transport Strategysets out the goal that, by 2041, all deaths and serious injuries will be eliminated from London's transport network. 

    While the Vision Zero strategy is being set by The Mayor of London, Transport for London and the Metropolitan Police, the responsibility for its success is shared by all, including those who have a role in designing, building, operating and managing our transport network as well as everyone that uses it. 

    We are working closely with the Mayor of London, London boroughs, the police and other partners to eradicate deaths and serious injuries from our roads and make London a safer, healthier and greener place. We place Vision Zero ambitions at the heart of everything we do. 

    What are Healthy Streets?

    Helping more people to walk, cycle and use public transport is at the heart of the Mayor’s vision to transform London’s streets and create a healthier, fairer and more sustainable city for everyone.  

    The Mayor’s Transport Strategy sets out how investing in our streets using the Healthy Streets approach can improve air quality, reduce congestion and help make London's diverse communities greener, healthier and more attractive places to live, work, play and do business.   

    London’s streets account for over 80% of its public space. Turning these streets into places where people want to walk, cycle and take public transport will help communities connect, while allowing Londoners to start enjoying their city again as we recover from the pandemic.  

    Creating streets for walking, cycling and public transport will also tackle pollution and congestion, and make it easier for people to build healthy activity into their daily lives. 

    What is the collision history for Redcliffe Gardens?

    According to our collision statistics database, which takes its data from the Metropolitan Police Service there have been 11 collisions reported on Redcliffe Gardens in the last three years, 10 of which resulted in “slight” injuries and one “serious”. The one serious injury involved a collision between a cyclist and a vehicle turning right out of Redcliffe Square. None of the other 10 involved pedal cycles.

    Looking at the past five years for which data is available (currently to October 2021) there were a total of 23 collisions, three of which resulted in a serious injury.  Of these 23, two involved a pedestrian, four involved a cyclist and eight involved a motorcycle.  Seventeen of the 23 collisions occurred at one of the three junctions where we are proposing to make changes.

    Further information can be found on our website including a link to a collision dashboard:
