Proposals - Bus route 206
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
Route 206 operates between Wembley, The Paddocks and Kilburn Park Station. Our proposals relate to the section of its route between Bridge Road and Great Central Way only. On this part of its route, the 206 currently operates one-way:
- south-east bound, towards Kilburn Park Station via Bridge Road, Wembley Park Drive, Empire Way, Fulton Road, Rutherford Way, Engineers Way, Fifth Way, Fourth Way and Great Central Way
- north-west bound, towards Wembley Park via Great Central Way, South Way, First Way, Engineers Way, Rutherford Way, Fulton Road, Empire Way, Wembley Park Drive and Bridge Road
We propose to reroute the 206 and change it to two-way operation in the Wembley area
- It would serve Great Central Way, Fourth Way, Fifth Way, Fulton Road, Albion Way, North End Road and Bridge Road in both directions
How this may change your route 206 bus journey
We would like to make you aware of the following expected impacts if we were to change route 206 as proposed. Read the Initial Equalities Impact Assessment document for full details:
- Current users of route 206 would benefit from a common, two-way routing in the Wembley area, simplifying the bus network
- Passengers currently boarding or alighting at stop the Olympic Way bus stop (36582) on Fulton Way (which would not be served) would need to travel 300 metres to or from an existing stop on Fifth Way (CW43). To access Fifth Way, a walk across Fulton Road and the entrance to Yellow Car Park on Engineers Way would be required
- Passengers currently boarding or alighting at stop the Olympic Way bus stop (36581) on Fulton Way (which would not be served) would need to travel 400 metres to a proposed new bus stop on Fulton Road. To access Fulton Road, people would need to cross the road at Engineers Way. There are not pedestrian crossing facilities at this location, and it may be preferable to cross the road twice to access wider pavements away from car park entrances
- Passengers currently boarding or alighting at Rutherford Way bus stops BP820 and BP819 (which would not be served) would need to travel 300 metres to proposed new bus stops on either Fulton Road or North End Road. To access Fulton Road or North End Road people would need to cross over roads where there are not pedestrian crossing facilities
- Passengers currently boarding or alighting at Fulton Road bus stops BP822 and BP821 would need to travel 400 metres to proposed new bus stops on North End Road or 420 metres to proposed new bus stops at the eastern end of Fulton Road. To access Fulton Road or North End Road people would need to cross over roads where there are not pedestrian crossing facilities
- Passengers currently boarding or alighting at Empire Way bus 20944 (which would not be served) would need to travel 250 metres to existing bus stop 20992 at Wembley Park Station. To access this bus stop people would need to cross the road at Brook Avenue, where there is not a traffic signal operated crossing point
- Passengers travelling on routes 83, 182, 223 and 297 wishing to interchange to route 206 and vice versa would need to ride an additional 250 metres and change bus Wembley Park Station (stop 20992)
- The proposed bus stop changes described above may impact approximately 700 passengers of route 206
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