Consultation has concluded

If you have any questions about the scheme, you can ask us here. We will then aim to get back to you.

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  • Share How can bus 206 users from the salmon street area easily access and travel to the library and civic centre under the new proposal? on Facebook Share How can bus 206 users from the salmon street area easily access and travel to the library and civic centre under the new proposal? on Twitter Share How can bus 206 users from the salmon street area easily access and travel to the library and civic centre under the new proposal? on Linkedin Email How can bus 206 users from the salmon street area easily access and travel to the library and civic centre under the new proposal? link

    How can bus 206 users from the salmon street area easily access and travel to the library and civic centre under the new proposal?

    Libraryuser asked almost 2 years ago

    As part of these proposals,  people using route 206 to travel between Salmon Street and Brent Library and Brent Civic centre would be able to alight at the proposed bus stops on Fifth Way and walk to the Civic Centre on Engineers Way. These stops are around 550 metres from the Civic Centre. People could also interchange at the proposed bus stops on Fifth Way and travel via bus routes 92 and 440 to access the Civic Centre.

  • Share With the proposed changes on route 92 will this allow the service to run more frequently and cut bus journey times? If so by how much? on Facebook Share With the proposed changes on route 92 will this allow the service to run more frequently and cut bus journey times? If so by how much? on Twitter Share With the proposed changes on route 92 will this allow the service to run more frequently and cut bus journey times? If so by how much? on Linkedin Email With the proposed changes on route 92 will this allow the service to run more frequently and cut bus journey times? If so by how much? link

    With the proposed changes on route 92 will this allow the service to run more frequently and cut bus journey times? If so by how much?

    Mishyboo36 asked almost 2 years ago


    There are no plans to increase the frequency of route 92 as part of these proposals. There is not expected to be a journey time saving on route 92.

    Route 206 would be expected to see faster journey times as part of the proposals. Across Wembley Eastern Lands the route would benefit from being able to travel up to 2 and a half minutes faster in each direction.