Impact of proposals on bus journey times and general traffic
We’ve assessed the impact of our proposals on journey times in the area for buses and general traffic using traffic modelling tools.
Our proposals for the A206 are designed to operate as efficiently as possible, while improving facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.
There are some impacts on journey times because we are making the A206 safer for pedestrians and cyclists by including improved pedestrian crossings and greater segregation of cycle lanes.
Morning peak
Our assessment suggests there will be a slight increase in journey times during the morning peak of about one minute eastbound and westbound along the A206 and northbound on Burrage Road.
While some affected bus routes (161 westbound, 177 eastbound, 180 eastbound, 472 eastbound & westbound) are expected to experience an increased journey time of up to one minute, the route 99, eastbound 161 and westbound 177 are expected to remain the same; and, our modelling suggests that bus route 180 will have a reduced journey time of up to one minute westbound along the A206.
Evening peak
Our modelling further forecasts there will be a slight reduction in general traffic journey times during the evening peak of about one minute eastbound; however, it is expected westbound journey times may increase by one to two minutes, and an increase of three to five minutes northbound along Burrage Road.
Many bus routes along the A206 westbound are expected to have journey time reductions of up to two minutes while many A206 eastbound bus routes see no change. The bus route 99 is expected to have a journey time increase of up to one minute.
However, bus routes 54 and 161 are expected to experience journey time increases of one to two minutes along Burrage Road northbound, and bus routes 51, 53 and 291 are expected to experience journey times increases of three to five minutes along Burrage Road northbound.
Junction of A206 / Burrage Road junction
To enable cyclists to safely enter and leave the two-way cycle track on Plumstead Road, our proposals make changes to the signal timings to allow cyclists to proceed through the junction whilst other traffic is held at a red light.
During the evening peak, Burrage Road northbound has significantly more traffic than in the morning peak and the constrained nature of the road means there is no space to provide additional capacity for buses or other traffic.
The impacts along the A206 have been substantially reduced by additional bus lanes and moving bus stand positions westbound, with some bus routes expected to benefit as a result particularly in the PM peak.
Consultation has concluded