Why provide a new 618 school route instead of extra journey/s on the H28 for everyone to use?
In September 2022 we introduced an additional service to cater for students of The Bolder Academy and Nishkam School at the start and end of the school day. This has provided additional capacity on the H28 route for the 2022/23 academic year.
To cater for a growing number of students, we’re proposing to introduce a new school bus for Bolder Academy and Nishkam School. This is a direct request from Bolder Academy.
Route 618 would provide new direct links to Isleworth schools for students living south of Syon Lane, along London Road, Bridge Road, Worton Road, Twickenham Road and Summerwood Road.
What size would the new 618 school bus be?
The new school bus would use double deck buses. Double deck buses typically carry 85 passengers.
Will you vary the timings on the 618 according to the school day?
We will work both Bolder Academy and Nishkam School to match school bus times to school timetables.
How will you manage antisocial behaviour at the bus stops for the new 618 school bus?
If you see a problem with graffiti or flyposting on bus stops and shelters, traffic lights and other street equipment, the quickest way to let us know is to report a problem with our street care reporting tool.
Should we receive any reports of anti-social behaviour, we will work with both schools to address this.