West Wickham pavement widening

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Consultation has concluded

Last year we temporarily widened pavements on West Wickham High Street. In June 2021 we ran a discussion with local people, asking if we should keep the widened pavements, amend them using a different material, or to remove them.

Following the feedback we received, and reviewing our own monitoring of how much people are using then, we have decided to remove the blue barriers and return the road to how it was before the pandemic. We believe there is enough space for pedestrians to safely social distance on the existing pavement. Removing the temporary measures will allow us to reinstate

Last year we temporarily widened pavements on West Wickham High Street. In June 2021 we ran a discussion with local people, asking if we should keep the widened pavements, amend them using a different material, or to remove them.

Following the feedback we received, and reviewing our own monitoring of how much people are using then, we have decided to remove the blue barriers and return the road to how it was before the pandemic. We believe there is enough space for pedestrians to safely social distance on the existing pavement. Removing the temporary measures will allow us to reinstate parking and loading bays that were removed to make way for the scheme.

We will remove the blue barriers week commencing 5 July.

Tell us if we should keep, amend or remove the pavement widening in West Wickham

We need to decide what to do with the pavement widening scheme on West Wickham High Street. We can either keep, amend or remove it.  Please tell us what you think we should do.

You may want to consider telling us:

  • If you would like us to keep, amend or remove the scheme
  • What material or design you might think we should use
  • Your experiences of using the extended pavements

If you are unable to use this tool you can also let us know your views by:

  • Emailing us at haveyoursay@tfl.gov.uk
  • Writing to us at FREEPOST TFL HAVE YOUR SAY
  • Calling our contact centre on 0343 222 1234

Please note that any responses you share may be visible to others and will be subject to moderation. Any personal information will be kept confidential but your user name will be displayed. Further details on moderation are available here

Responses may be publicly available after the project has closed and we may also include them in the form of a report on the results of the engagement exercise, but any personal information will be kept confidential. Your personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the requirements of privacy and data protection legislation. For further information, please visit our privacy policy

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

I see no benefit of keeping the current pavement widening measures in place as they serve no purpose. Pedestrians tend to ignore them anyway. I can also think of other, more important, things to spend our money on; potholes spring to mind. If you have money to waste, perhaps reconsider your plan on charging people for entering Bromley Borough.

Local Resident almost 4 years ago

I would like to see the pavement Widening on west Wickham high street scraped it is a main bus route for 119 and 194 ,we are coming out of lockdown and must return to some kind of normality, let alone the cost to the tax payer, we have all taken some kind of financial hit and money is tight for a lot of families young and old,
I also think pavement Widening leads to shoppers wandering around stepping out in the road children need to be more aware of their surroundings, let's remember this is a red route

Umaar Tariq almost 4 years ago

Another reason to scrap the road Widening scheme is heavy traffic and the carbon monoxide will rise ,we already surfer due to the traffic lights at shirley causing traffic to back up in the high street this will cause problems with the local schools

Umaar Tariq almost 4 years ago

I think that the extensions to West Wickham High Street are totally unnecessary and making them permanent would be a complete waste of ratepayers money. The residents of West Wickham are perfectly able to stand aside to allow others to pass safely. the whole scheme should be scrapped.

Umaar Tariq almost 4 years ago

Thank you for your request for residents feedback concerning this plan. I think that the scheme should be ended and the temporary barriers removed. I have noticed that very few people are practicing social distancing on the high street anyway, so there is negligible need for extra pavement space.

Umaar Tariq almost 4 years ago

Think the pavement widening scheme should not go ahead. The blue barriers especially outside Sainsbury's are not required as there is never any people waiting outside the store so no problem with distancing there.

Umaar Tariq almost 4 years ago

Regarding the widening of west Wickham high street, in a word, NO.

The money that will cost would be far better spent elsewhere, on something more useful.

Any widening, I feel sure would mean losing more of the timed parking bays which are important for Shops and businesses that are struggling to get back on their feet following the lockdowns.

Three quarters of the adult population in the UK have had a least one vaccine and lots have had both. That’s the vast majority of those who COULD suffer seriously should they catch Covid.

We are on the way OUT of this pandemic, so I don’t see the point of spending OUR money putting in place these costly and permanent features.

Within the time it would take to even plan and legislate for these proposals, we will be in an EVEN BETTER situation than we are now.

So please, no more costly POINTLESS measures and lets let go of the fear mongering.

Umaar Tariq almost 4 years ago

The barriers need to be removed, they have seriously reduced trade to certain shops, I have disabled clients that struggle to get dropped off and picked up near my premises, emergency service vehicles struggle to get through the high street where barriers are placed as no one can pull over. Busses struggle to pass each other due to width of road being narrower. I thought the red route was to aid traffic flow, these barriers certainly ain’t doing that.

Simon at 10 almost 4 years ago

Get rid of the pavement widening scheme. It’s not necessary and an eye sore.

Pavementuser almost 4 years ago

Thank you for the update if widening our pavements, that is a great.
Can it also restrict the massive trucks that drive through our high street for certain times in the day?
For example: after 7pm to 7am.

Umaar Tariq almost 4 years ago

Remove the temporary pavement widening completely and permanently. They obstruct parking spaces, are of no practical benefit and cause traffic congestion.

Wickham Walker almost 4 years ago

Please remove widening we do not need this in west wickham.Covid is coming to an end now also you have stopped lots of people using the high street.remove immediately!

selseychic almost 4 years ago

I would like West Wickham High Street pavement to be widened.

Umaar Tariq almost 4 years ago

Remove the temporary pavement widening completely and permanently. They obstruct parking spaces, are of no practical benefit and cause traffic congestion.

penntm almost 4 years ago

I think the need for pavement widening has now gone.
I suggest removing these barriers completely now.

Umaar Tariq almost 4 years ago

However well-intentioned, the blue barriers never really worked. For most people the kerb edge still marked the edge of the pavement, and few people wanted to step into the road. It goes without saying that they were hopeless for wheelchair users and mobility scooters. They are also positively dangerous for cyclists. They should be removed.

I don't see any need for any permanent widening of the pavement. Some cafes and restaurants have enough space for some outside seating anyway. Also, it seems very likely that any permanent scheme would reduce parking, and that's the last thing the high street shops need.

synman almost 4 years ago

The blue barriers were installed at great extra expense due to the pandemic and to facilitate the social distancing between pedestrians.
They were an eyesore, and regularly got disturbed or fell over. Frankly, in around a year since they were introduced, I have scarcely seen ANYONE use the “extra space”.
So in conclusion, PLEASE REMOVE THEM, A.S.A.P. and restore the use of the High St. to the way it was pre-pandemic.
I am a resident of West Wickham, living just 100m from the High Street in Oak Grove.

Umaar Tariq almost 4 years ago

I am in favour of not only retaining the widened pavements but where possible extending this to other parts of the High Street. The High Street is a much nicer place when people can sit outside cafes on the pavement.

Neil Watson almost 4 years ago