- Understand the reasons behind support or opposition for the proposal
- Understand any issues that might affect the proposal of which we are not aware
- Understand concerns and objections
- Determine any changes or mitigations that may be required to help address concerns
Why is it necessary to target motorists to increase revenue?
Our priority is to keep London moving safely and reduce delays, not raising revenue through fines. We want to help people understand and follow the red routes rules so they can avoid an unnecessary fine. Signs and road markings along the red routes tell people what they can and can't do. We only issue Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) when it is warranted to those who don't follow the rules indicated by signs and road markings and their actions could have resulted in delay, disruption or the risk of a collision.
Revenue from PCNs is used to cover the cost of enforcement and any surplus revenue is reinvested to help fund road safety schemes.
How can I find out more about the rules of the red route network?
You can find out more about the red route network on our website. This includes information about the rules of red routes, Blue Badge parking, applications to relax parking rules under special circumstances (dispensations), and how to pay or challenge a PCN. For further details please visit https://tfl.gov.uk/modes/driving/red-routes.
Will I still be able to make an early repayment at a reduced rate for my PCN?
There is no change to the Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) early payment period. If you receive a PCN and pay this within the 14 or 21 day early payment period stated on the PCN (depending on the contravention type), the amount you pay will continue to be reduced by half.
When would the proposed changes be introduced?
The outcome of this consultation is subject to the feedback we receive during consultation, confirmation to proceed from the Mayor, and confirmation of no objection from the Secretary of State for Transport.
Following this process, should it be decided we will increase the TfL fine level, the change could be introduced in the first half of 2022. Any changes would be fully communicated to the general public in advance.
How are you going to use our feedback?
We will carefully consider all the consultation responses we receive as part of our decision-making process. In deciding whether or not to proceed with this proposal, your feedback will help us work with the Mayor to: