Route 419 hail and ride conversion survey
Please share your views by taking part in our online survey. It should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete.
You can also:
- Complete an easy read version of our survey
- Complete a copy of our survey if you would prefer to respond offline
- Email us at Haveyoursay@tfl.gov.uk
- Write to us at FREEPOST TFL HAVE YOUR SAY (Route 419)
You can also come and see us at Barnes Sports Club, The Club House, 261 Lonsdale Road, London SW13 9QL on Tuesday 6 June between 14:00 and 20:00.
The consultation closes on Sunday 11 June 2023
Please note responses to the survey may be made publicly available after the consultation has closed, this would typically be in the form of a report on the results of the consultation exercise, but any personal information will be kept confidential. Your personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the requirements of privacy and data protection legislation. For further information, please visit our privacy policy.