Greenwich to Woolwich walking and cycling changes

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Consultation has concluded

Two people cycling

Update 26 September 2024


Today we have published our response to issues raised report following the consultation on our proposals to improve walking and cycling from Greenwich to Woolwich. 

Between 12 June and 12 December 2023 we consulted on experimental changes we made to the A206 between Park Row in Greenwich town centre and Anchor and Hope Lane in Charlton.

We introduced the scheme as an experiment, to help us understand what effects it would have. In July 2024 we published a consultation report, to show what the outcomes of our consultation were. We explained at this time that we would continue to consider the responses to the consultation and that we would also review the monitoring data we had collected during the experiment. We have now reviewed all of the issues raised by respondents to the consultation and we have reviewed the data we collected.

The Royal Borough of Greenwich will now need to reflect on the outcomes of the experiment, taking into account the monitoring data we have collected, the outcomes of the consultation and our responses to the issues raised. We have provided Greenwich with a comprehensive pack of data to help them decide how best to move forward.

Once the Royal Borough has made a decision about how best to move forward we will write to all those people who replied to the consultation with the outcome of the decision and the next steps.

We have considered all of the issues raised by respondents to the consultation and we have provided an answer to each of these in the following table. Some respondents made positive comments about the proposals, all of which we have noted. We have not included our response to these issues in the table, for conciseness reasons.

For further details and to view our other reports, please visit:

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Update 26 July 2024

Today we have published our consultation report and end of term findings report following the consultation on our proposals to improve walking and cycling from Greenwich to Woolwich.

Between 12 June and 12 December 2023 we consulted on experimental changes we made to the A206 between Park Row in Greenwich town centre and Anchor and Hope Lane in Charlton.

We received 1,309 responses to our consultation in total, including 20 from stakeholders. A range of views were expressed during the consultation, with comments, concerns and suggestions raised.

We found that:

  • 42 per cent of respondents said they felt safer walking and cycling
  • 33 per cent of respondents said they now drive less
  • 31 per cent of respondents felt the neighbourhood or wider area looked and felt more pleasant
  • 62 per cent felt traffic flows have worsened since the scheme was introduced

In partnership with the Royal Borough of Greenwich, we are now reviewing the findings from the consultation closely, along with our monitoring data for the scheme, to help us determine the best way forward for this scheme. We will then publish our Response to Issues Raised report.

We will update all those who took part in the consultation when we have made a decision.

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Update 13 December 2023

This consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who responded. We are analysing your feedback and will report back shortly.

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In December 2020, as an emergency response to the coronavirus, we made changes to roads between Greenwich and Woolwich to make it easier for people to cycle, walk and use the bus. The A206 corridor has been identified as a potential strategic cycle route. Investing in high-quality cycle facilities and improving pedestrian facilities will encourage active travel, helping to make Greenwich greener and healthier.

In March 2022, a decision was made by the Royal Borough of Greenwich to make a series of improvements to the scheme, and to retain it with a new experiment.

We have now launched a six-month consultation on the revised experimental scheme. We want to know about your experiences of the scheme. You can reply by following the link to the survey below.

We want this consultation to be accessible to everyone. There is an Easy Read version of our materials in the ‘Documents’ section. There is also an Easy Read version of our survey. In the bottom right-hand corner of this page there is a British Sign Language video which includes audio. If you need to translate this page into another language, please use the ‘Select language’ button in the bottom-left hand corner of this page.

On this page you can find out more about the scheme and what you can expect from us with this consultation. You can ask us a Question or respond to our Survey. You will need to register with our Have your say platform to take part in the online survey although your details will be kept secure. Alternatively, you can send your response to us by email at or by post to FREEPOST TFL HAVE YOUR SAY with ‘Greenwich to Woolwich’ reference. The details are below. The closing date for comments is 12 December 2023.

Information to help you respond

There is additional information in the ‘Documents’ section of this page. There is also lots of information in our FAQs section. This information explains in more detail:

Update 26 September 2024


Today we have published our response to issues raised report following the consultation on our proposals to improve walking and cycling from Greenwich to Woolwich. 

Between 12 June and 12 December 2023 we consulted on experimental changes we made to the A206 between Park Row in Greenwich town centre and Anchor and Hope Lane in Charlton.

We introduced the scheme as an experiment, to help us understand what effects it would have. In July 2024 we published a consultation report, to show what the outcomes of our consultation were. We explained at this time that we would continue to consider the responses to the consultation and that we would also review the monitoring data we had collected during the experiment. We have now reviewed all of the issues raised by respondents to the consultation and we have reviewed the data we collected.

The Royal Borough of Greenwich will now need to reflect on the outcomes of the experiment, taking into account the monitoring data we have collected, the outcomes of the consultation and our responses to the issues raised. We have provided Greenwich with a comprehensive pack of data to help them decide how best to move forward.

Once the Royal Borough has made a decision about how best to move forward we will write to all those people who replied to the consultation with the outcome of the decision and the next steps.

We have considered all of the issues raised by respondents to the consultation and we have provided an answer to each of these in the following table. Some respondents made positive comments about the proposals, all of which we have noted. We have not included our response to these issues in the table, for conciseness reasons.

For further details and to view our other reports, please visit:

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Update 26 July 2024

Today we have published our consultation report and end of term findings report following the consultation on our proposals to improve walking and cycling from Greenwich to Woolwich.

Between 12 June and 12 December 2023 we consulted on experimental changes we made to the A206 between Park Row in Greenwich town centre and Anchor and Hope Lane in Charlton.

We received 1,309 responses to our consultation in total, including 20 from stakeholders. A range of views were expressed during the consultation, with comments, concerns and suggestions raised.

We found that:

  • 42 per cent of respondents said they felt safer walking and cycling
  • 33 per cent of respondents said they now drive less
  • 31 per cent of respondents felt the neighbourhood or wider area looked and felt more pleasant
  • 62 per cent felt traffic flows have worsened since the scheme was introduced

In partnership with the Royal Borough of Greenwich, we are now reviewing the findings from the consultation closely, along with our monitoring data for the scheme, to help us determine the best way forward for this scheme. We will then publish our Response to Issues Raised report.

We will update all those who took part in the consultation when we have made a decision.

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Update 13 December 2023

This consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who responded. We are analysing your feedback and will report back shortly.

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In December 2020, as an emergency response to the coronavirus, we made changes to roads between Greenwich and Woolwich to make it easier for people to cycle, walk and use the bus. The A206 corridor has been identified as a potential strategic cycle route. Investing in high-quality cycle facilities and improving pedestrian facilities will encourage active travel, helping to make Greenwich greener and healthier.

In March 2022, a decision was made by the Royal Borough of Greenwich to make a series of improvements to the scheme, and to retain it with a new experiment.

We have now launched a six-month consultation on the revised experimental scheme. We want to know about your experiences of the scheme. You can reply by following the link to the survey below.

We want this consultation to be accessible to everyone. There is an Easy Read version of our materials in the ‘Documents’ section. There is also an Easy Read version of our survey. In the bottom right-hand corner of this page there is a British Sign Language video which includes audio. If you need to translate this page into another language, please use the ‘Select language’ button in the bottom-left hand corner of this page.

On this page you can find out more about the scheme and what you can expect from us with this consultation. You can ask us a Question or respond to our Survey. You will need to register with our Have your say platform to take part in the online survey although your details will be kept secure. Alternatively, you can send your response to us by email at or by post to FREEPOST TFL HAVE YOUR SAY with ‘Greenwich to Woolwich’ reference. The details are below. The closing date for comments is 12 December 2023.

Information to help you respond

There is additional information in the ‘Documents’ section of this page. There is also lots of information in our FAQs section. This information explains in more detail:

Consultation has concluded

If you have any questions about the scheme, you can ask us here. We will then aim to get back to you.

Please note that any questions you ask may be visible to others and will be subject to moderation. Any personal information will be kept confidential but your user name will be displayed. Further details on moderation are available here and privacy here.

  • Share The plans for phase 1 included a proposal to close the northbound slip road from Angerstein roundabout towards Blackwall Tunnel. This is a shortcut used by motorists to avoid queuing traffic on the A102. Why was that work not done? on Facebook Share The plans for phase 1 included a proposal to close the northbound slip road from Angerstein roundabout towards Blackwall Tunnel. This is a shortcut used by motorists to avoid queuing traffic on the A102. Why was that work not done? on Twitter Share The plans for phase 1 included a proposal to close the northbound slip road from Angerstein roundabout towards Blackwall Tunnel. This is a shortcut used by motorists to avoid queuing traffic on the A102. Why was that work not done? on Linkedin Email The plans for phase 1 included a proposal to close the northbound slip road from Angerstein roundabout towards Blackwall Tunnel. This is a shortcut used by motorists to avoid queuing traffic on the A102. Why was that work not done? link

    The plans for phase 1 included a proposal to close the northbound slip road from Angerstein roundabout towards Blackwall Tunnel. This is a shortcut used by motorists to avoid queuing traffic on the A102. Why was that work not done?

    Westcomberesident asked over 3 years ago

    Thank you for your message,

    We took the decision not to close the A102 slip road as part of the trial cycleway, as it’s felt we could achieve the desired safety benefits by providing a dedicated cycle and pedestrian crossing through the centre of the roundabout, without needing to close the slip road at this time. The cycleway is now being closely monitored to better understand its impacts and benefits.

    Plans for a more transformational scheme at Angerstein roundabout were put on hold at the start of the pandemic. Initial proposals for this larger scheme included removing the roundabout operation and closing the slip road to reduce traffic volumes and improve air quality. These plans were presented as part of a wider public consultation on the permanent cycleway scheme at the start of 2020 prior to the pandemic.

    This wider scheme is still in an early design stage, and the monitoring outcomes of the trial cycleway will help inform further development. In addition, a more transformational scheme will be subject to our future long-term funding position.

    Ayo Osideinde