Making Hogarth Roundabout safer
Consultation has concluded
Update 20 January 2025
This consultation has closed. You can find updates on the scheme, including the consultation report, by clicking on the Latest News button.
Update 12 August 2024
Since launching our consultation, we have identified an error in the following statement on our website. It originally stated:
Between January 2022 and June 2023 there were 25 slight and five serious motorcyclist collisions at Hogarth Roundabout.
This statement should have said:
Between July 2020 and June 2023 there were 18 slight and three serious casualties to the people involved in collisions at Hogarth Roundabout. Of the collisions recorded, six involved motorcyclists, one of which was serious.
We would like to take this opportunity to apologise for this error. We have now corrected it on this page.
However, it should be noted that Hogarth roundabout is in the top 10% of junctions in London in terms of road safety risk. It also remains the case that there is an urgent need to address this risk with changes to the roundabout.
We have contacted all those who have so far responded to our consultation to make them aware of this and to submit a new or revised response, if they wish to do so. If you have also responded and wish to submit a new response, or revise the response you have already provided, please email us at We have also extended the closing date for responses to the consultation by one week, to 12 September 2024.
-update ends-
On this page you can read about how we are proposing to improve safety at Hogarth Roundabout.
By clicking on the following buttons, you can read more about what is proposed and how this may impact you. You can also view maps, ask questions, give feedback, and find out about other ways to get in touch and take part.
You have until Thursday 12 September 2024 to give us your feedback.
Extra drop-in events have been added on 29 August and 2 September, please visit the ‘More Information’ section for details.
Safety is our highest priority. Hogarth roundabout is in the top 10 per cent of junctions in London in terms of road safety risk and is one of the Safer Junctions TfL is prioritising for safety improvements on our network.
Between July 2020 and June 2023 there were 18 slight and three serious casualties to the people involved in collisions at Hogarth Roundabout. Of the collisions recorded six involved motorbikes, one of which was serious.
Therefore our proposals focus on reducing these risks alongside improvements for pedestrians.
Video giving an overview of the proposed changes can be viewed below.
Hogarth roundabout is a busy junction, carrying large amounts of traffic. It is also an important interchange and crossing point for pedestrians and cyclists travelling to and from Chiswick, Richmond, Hammersmith, and Gunnersbury.
We have developed a scheme to improve road safety, address the causes of collisions, and make the roundabout more accessible for pedestrians. The proposed changes will make the area greener and more pleasant, helping reconnect the historic riverside area of Old Chiswick with Chiswick High Street.
These proposals form part of our Vision Zero strategy, which aims to eradicate deaths and serious injuries from our roads by 2041. The scheme has been designed according to our Healthy Streets approach, which aims to make London a safer, healthier and greener place to live and travel.
We are proposing to make Hogarth Roundabout safer by reducing the risks of collision and making the area more pleasant for pedestrians and cyclists.A map showing the proposed changes to Hogarth Roundabout can be seen below. Detailed changes can be viewed in the detailed maps.
Summary of Changes
Creating a dedicated left turn lane for A4 westbound traffic onto the A316, where there are the highest concentration of collisions. This would mean closing one of the access points to Church Street. Access to Church Street would be by Chiswick Square
Lowering the speed limit at the roundabout from 40mph to 30mph
Increasing footway space for pedestrians on a service road for the A4 Great West Road (westbound) and providing new rain gardens to reduce the potential for flooding
Adding Legible London wayfinding, to help pedestrians find their way around the area
Deep clean and lighting upgrades in the subway to help the area feel safer and more pleasant for pedestrians, provide a seating area at the end of Church Street as well as additional cycle parking
It may be necessary to remove one pay and display parking space on Church Street. This decision will be made by Hounslow Council after the consultation, once the design is finalised
To see the detailed proposals please visit the ‘How it impacts you’ tab.
How it impacts you
Detailed changes can be viewed in the detailed maps and the potential impacts on parking and traffic in the FAQs.
Safety improvements at the Roundabout
Changing the layout of the roundabout to provide a new, dedicated slip lane from the A4 (westbound) onto the A316
Reducing the exit arm from the roundabout to the A316 from two lanes to one lane
Closing the Church Street arm of the roundabout to create more space at the A316 Great West Road westbound, while reducing rat running and road danger on this residential road. This is where most collisions have been recorded - and these changes will make access safer. Access to Church Street will be maintained via Burlington Lane. Pedestrians can also continue to access Church Street via Chiswick Mall. This is expected to increase journey times from Church Street to Chiswick High Road by one minute
It may be necessary to remove a parking space for one vehicle on Church Street, closest to the junction of Burlington Lane
Close the slip road outside the brewery after the entrance gate by Mawsons’ Lane with the area turned into additional footway space and a rain garden
Resurface the carriageway with a higher friction surface to provide additional skid resistance
The speed limit will be reduced from 40mph to 30mph within the roundabout and approaches
Sustainable Urban Drainage (SuDs) to be provided to improve drainage and reduce the potential for flooding
Improvements for pedestrians and cyclists
Renew paving around the subway entrances to provide a more consistent surface and reduce trip hazards
Upgrade lighting in the subway
Add wayfinding signage to the roundabout’s approaches and within the subway, which identifies points of interest, helping connect Chiswick with the river
Provide seating near the subway entrances and in the newly created pavement space on the south side of the roundabout
Introduce additional planting and trees to provide shade, shelter and to screen pedestrians from the busy road
Deep clean the subway
Provide Advanced Stop Lines at all approaches to the roundabout
Provide Cycle Parking at all the Subway entrances
Widen existing shared use pavement areas on the A4 outside the brewery
Make it easier to use the cycle paths around the roundabout by widening the shared use pavement outside the brewery and removing the need to come off the pavement and onto the carriageway and back again on the southern side
Equalities Impact Assessment
Our Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) identifies:
- The impact the scheme is having on people, including those with protected characteristics
- How we have attempted to mitigate any negative impacts
After we’ve considered all comments, the EqIA will be reviewed and may be updated.
We use the EqIA to help us decide if, and how, we should proceed with these proposals.
More Information
We will be holding four drop-in events:
- Saturday 10 August at Hogarth House, Hogarth Lane, Great West Road London W4 2QN (09:30 - 12:30)
- Tuesday 20 August at Hogarth House, Hogarth Lane, Great West Road London W4 2QN (16:00 - 19:00)
- Thursday 29 August at Hogarth House, Hogarth Lane, Great West Road London W4 2QN (16.00 - 19.00)
- Monday 2 September at Hogarth House, Hogarth Lane, Great West Road London W4 2QN (16.00 - 19.00)
This will give you an opportunity to get further information about the proposals and provide your thoughts and feedback, to allow us to consider your views.
If you are unable to make this date and time and would like to discuss the proposals further with us, please get in touch and we can respond to your queries directly.
We have also provided more information for you to respond and a set of Frequently Asked Questions:
Accessible Information
We want to make sure everyone is able to take part in our consultations. To help make it accessible to everyone we have provided:
You can translate the information on this page into another language by using the ‘Select language’ button at the bottom of the page
Connecting with London's deaf community on our consultations
To further enhance how we consult with London's deaf community we offer:
- A British Sign Language video of the proposals and survey is available
- A BSL conversation service. This allows the TfL consultation lead to have a two-way BSL translated discussion with a BSL user. To request a BSL conversation please contact us at and we will be in contact to arrange a convenient time
Tell us your views
You can reply by completing our survey, which should take no more than 10 minutes to complete or if you are short on time, you can submit a quick response.
The closing date for comments is Thursday 12 September 2024.
You can use our question tool during the consultation period. We will respond your questions as soon as we can.
Or you can ask your question in person at our four drop-in events:
- Saturday 10 August at Hogarth House, Hogarth Lane, Great West Road London W4 2QN (09:30 - 12:30)
- Tuesday 20 August at Hogarth House, Hogarth Lane, Great West Road London W4 2QN (16:00 - 19:00)
- Thursday 29 August at Hogarth House, Hogarth Lane, Great West Road London W4 2QN (16.00 - 19.00)
- Monday 2 September at Hogarth House, Hogarth Lane, Great West Road London W4 2QN (16.00 - 19.00)
This will give you an opportunity to get further information about the proposals and provide your thoughts and feedback, to allow us to consider your views.
If you are unable to make this date and time and would like to discuss the proposals further with us, please get in touch and we can respond to your queries directly.
You can also contact us by email, via our telephone call back service (020 3054 6037) or in writing (FREEPOST TFL HAVE YOUR SAY).
Latest news
Update 20 January 2025
Between 11 July 2024 and 12 September 2024, we consulted on a scheme to improve road safety at Hogarth Roundabout. We have now published our consultation report to explain the outcomes of the consultation. You can view it in the documents section of this webpage.
Update 13 September 2024
This consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who responded. We are analysing your feedback and will report back towards the end of 2024/ early 2025.
If you have any questions about the scheme, you can ask us here and we will get back to you.
Please note that any questions you ask may be visible to others and will be subject to moderation. Any personal information will be kept confidential but your user name will be displayed. Further details on moderation are available here and privacy here.