Holland Park Roundabout

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Update 04 March 2024

This consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who responded. We are analysing your feedback and will report back shortly.

-update ends-A picture showing Holland Park Roundabout as it is now

On this page you can read about how we are proposing to improve safety between Shepherd’s Bush Green and Holland Park Roundabout.

We want to hear your views on this project and how this may impact you.

You have until 3 March 2024 to give us your feedback.


We propose to provide a new high-quality Cycleway and improvements for pedestrians. The changes would make streets in the area safer and more pleasant by enabling people to walk and cycle more and drive less.

Please watch the video below to see a fly through of the changes we are proposing:

The changes we would like to make include:

  • New two-way protected cycle lane – From the eastern side of Shepherd’s Bush Green and along the southern side of Holland Park Roundabout connecting to Holland Park Avenue. There will be separate low level cycle signals at junctions, new cycle crossings and better connections to other local cycle routes
  • New section of priority bus lane - This is on the southside of Shepherd’s Bush Green
  • Improvement to the existing toucan crossing - This crossing outside Shepherd’s Bush station across Uxbridge Road and Shepherd’s Bush Green will be, widened, and realigned making it easier to cross
  • Sustainable drainage and Greening – We will add more trees and planting where space allows

Update 04 March 2024

This consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who responded. We are analysing your feedback and will report back shortly.

-update ends-A picture showing Holland Park Roundabout as it is now

On this page you can read about how we are proposing to improve safety between Shepherd’s Bush Green and Holland Park Roundabout.

We want to hear your views on this project and how this may impact you.

You have until 3 March 2024 to give us your feedback.


We propose to provide a new high-quality Cycleway and improvements for pedestrians. The changes would make streets in the area safer and more pleasant by enabling people to walk and cycle more and drive less.

Please watch the video below to see a fly through of the changes we are proposing:

The changes we would like to make include:

  • New two-way protected cycle lane – From the eastern side of Shepherd’s Bush Green and along the southern side of Holland Park Roundabout connecting to Holland Park Avenue. There will be separate low level cycle signals at junctions, new cycle crossings and better connections to other local cycle routes
  • New section of priority bus lane - This is on the southside of Shepherd’s Bush Green
  • Improvement to the existing toucan crossing - This crossing outside Shepherd’s Bush station across Uxbridge Road and Shepherd’s Bush Green will be, widened, and realigned making it easier to cross
  • Sustainable drainage and Greening – We will add more trees and planting where space allows

Submit a quick response

We know that life is busy and you may just have one short moment to tell us what you think of our proposals. That's why we now let you submit a quick consultation response.

This is different from our consultation survey as we ask just one short question "Tell us what you think of our proposal".

Your response can be long or short, but importantly it lets us know your views. 

You will need to register with our Have Your Say platform to give us your quick response, although your details will be kept secure.  

 You have until 3 March 2024 to give us your feedback.

Please note that responses to the survey will be made publicly available after the consultation has closed in the form of a report on the results. Your personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the requirements of privacy and data protection legislation. For further information, please visit our privacy policy.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

TFL yet again are trying to push through a unpopular cycle lane proposal against residents wishes. As they have previously done on Holland Park Av. They are now trying to do it at Shepherd’s Bush - so they can at a later stage propose to connect it to Holland Park av. which was was refused a while ago. They are now trying to implement it another way. Totally transparent and highly suspect. NO, No, No

Lonon15 3 months ago

As a concerned resident, I wish to lodge a strong Opposition complaint to this proposed cycle lane proposal. It will grid lock traffic, increase congestion and idling traffic will increase air pollution. TFL know this.

Lonon15 3 months ago

The pro-car lobby's argument that improving cycling infrastructure will push up pollution fails to take into account that if people are encouraged to cycle there will be fewer car journeys. If Paris can break out of the vicious circle why can't London?

BrainDoctor 3 months ago

Excellent idea

BrainDoctor 3 months ago

This is a terrible idea which will cause great inconvenience and economic harm not just to people in Shepherd’s Bush but to all the neighbouring districts. The increased congestion will lead to a monstrous increase in local pollution which in turn will encourage parents to transport their children by car instead of walking to school. The commercial impact on the Westfield shopping centre, employer of many hundreds if not thousands of basic wage staff, will be severe if motorists are deterred from visiting. This is a terrible idea which will be convenient for a tiny minority of typically wealthy white males and inconvenient for almost everybody else.

Damien McCrystal 3 months ago

I think this is great and long overdue, it will make cycling across the roundabout much safer. Can I ask that you make the existing cycleway on the pavement on the southwest side much more defined and obvious, particularly when it turns to paving stones as it approaches Shepherd’s Bush, as I have witnessed many near-misses between bike and pedestrians because it’s not very obvious. Many thanks.

DanielRobinson 3 months ago

As a mobility-compromised grandparent ferrying a 2 year old East and West through Shepherds Bush, and therefore having to use a car, it makes no sense to slow traffic further (with resultant increases in pollution). To improve cycling, surely the aim should be to separate cyclists from other traffic - there is enough green space in which to do a useful amount of this, and without making life even less bearable for vehicle users. There needs to be a fundament rethink and redesign leading to a proper plan, rather than this tinkering at the edges, which only seems to add complication and frustration.

J?B 3 months ago

As a cyclist and car user, I agree that there should be increased cycling safety on the roundabout but I'm not sure that cutting down lanes to 2 instead of 3 will help more than it will hinder and cause more congestion+ pollution as it's a very key roundabout for motor users and many won't have a choice but to continue using it. For many coming from West London/elsewhere further away it is not feasible to cycle/take public transport and I don't believe this will disincentivise many to stop driving. It will only increase idling and decrease air quality.

ShepherdsBush 3 months ago

I fully support these proposals, and I hope that tfl ignores the 8 comments left by the spam account "Magda Goncalves", who claims in one to be a regular cyclist who uses the roundabout often without issue, and in another says that they are partially disabled and incapable of cycling. It seems they wanted to imply that there is overwhelming opposition to this project by pretending to be a number of different people, without realising that their username would be appended to each and every comment!

alexander1024 3 months ago

I object to the proposal as it seems to be for the benefit of cyclists and very little benefit for bus and car users. At this troubled period
of time it seems unnecessary for a vast sum of money to be spent.
I also object to future cycle lanes in Holland Park Avenue which would cause congestion and pollution.

Elrob73@ 3 months ago

I've done the survey but agree that it is formed with such a bias that this will clearly be rail roaded through, resulting in increased congestion (probably followed by the congestion charging zone moving out), making the bus services suffer, and worse pollution for pedestrians and residents all for keeping some cyclists happy.

Flower71 3 months ago

Dear Sir or Madam,

I hope this email finds you well.

I am writing in regard to the proposed installation of a cycle lane around the Shepherds Bush roundabout or as you refer to- the “Holland Park” Roundabout.

I strongly object to the proposal for the following reasons.

Firstly, the installation of the proposed roundabout would create further congestion and traffic during the rush hour or peak hours of usage. The proposed roundabout would create increased congestion from East to West and West to East. This would create further pollution, due to the volume of backed up cars or idling traffic.

As of present, we have traffic which backs up from Notting Hill Gate to the “Holland Park Roundabout”- how would the installation of the proposed cycle lane around the roundabout help or alleviate the existing problem?

There is an existing pass for both pedestrians and cyclists under the roundabout which is effective and safe- I cannot see how this proposal will be advantageous or benefit the current flow of traffic or improve the safety of cyclists/pedestrians.

The proposed cycle lane would prove problematic to the ambulance, fire and police services (at peak time) and affect response times to these essential services.

Having lived in Holland Park for over fifty years I have great insight into the nature and modes of transport residents use- the majority of residents walk, use public transport or drive. At 75 years of age and partially disabled the installation of any cycle lane would not be an incentive for me to start cycling- I do not have the physical capacity to do so.

I do hope you take my points into consideration and scrap the proposed cycle lane around “Holland Park Roundabout” for it would only do more damage than any perceived good.

Would you be kind enough to provide insight to any further plans or developments in regard to Notting Hill Gate, Holland Park & Holland Park Roundabout.

Best regards,

Magda Goncalves 3 months ago

I am writing in relation to the public consultation on the proposal of installing cycle lane and removing a car lane.
I am totally opposed to the proposal since it will inconvenience the majority (bus, car, tube users) to benefit a minority (cycle users).
The roundabout is already very congested and removing a lane will invariably make the situation worse.
This proposal should be dropped.
Many thanks

Magda Goncalves 3 months ago

Dear All.
I object to the cycle lane proposal for Holland Park Roundabout in full.

I also object to any future cycle lanes in Holland Park Avenue - it would further congest a busy road and increase air pollution

Magda Goncalves 3 months ago

As a regular cyclist I have to say that I agree with the criticisms already given. We already have quite a good system for cycling around the roundabout for most of the way on cycle paths, and wheeling the bike the short distance across a road occasionally is hardly a problem, and I quite agree that the proposed changes would increase exhaust fumes considerably, which is serious.

Magda Goncalves 3 months ago

The proposals are completely daft, all that will happen is more congestion, slower traffic, traffic jams, greater pollution. An ill conceived idea that has not been thought through. I use this roundabout 4 times a week, often on a bike and I can assure you it will not work. Insane.

Magda Goncalves 3 months ago

It is NO USE having special traffic lights especially for cyclists on the proposed cycle lanes on Holland Park Roundabout as young men take absolutely no notice of any traffic lights as can be seen any day in Holland Park Avenue. it is a waste of time and if they wanted to ride safely there are already safe cycle lanes round the edge of the roundabout which I use on my cycle. There is no need to ride in the roundabout traffic if you want to be safe.

Magda Goncalves 3 months ago

Please let me know what will be the impact on traffic flows and what research has been undertaken?
I am concerned that the balance between pedestrians, cyclists, buses and personal vehicles is being upset without adequate research.

Magda Goncalves 3 months ago

To whom it may concern,

This is a horrible horrible idea! It seems to lack any understanding that this is a main entrance and exit roundabout for London! It’s a great idea if you live in area, don’t own a car and never ever need to go anywhere by car…ever again. Any reduction in lanes - either via making additional pedestrian/ cyclist and or Bus lane - will cause, frankly, chaos to anyone looking to come in and out of London. It will bring increased pollution from stand still traffic, additional noise from the inevitable horn hooters. This is akin to the disaster that is the Chiswick cycle highway!

I would oppose this pending additional consultation and whoever designed it actually perhaps come down and spend time in the area…

Magda Goncalves 3 months ago

Looks great! I occasionally cycle around this roundabout and whilst it’s not too bad, I usually jump the lights to get ahead of the traffic so this scheme will make it a lot safer. I love it!

Swyncombe 3 months ago
Page last updated: 01 May 2024, 12:13 PM