Holland Park Roundabout

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Update 04 March 2024

This consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who responded. We are analysing your feedback and will report back shortly.

-update ends-A picture showing Holland Park Roundabout as it is now

On this page you can read about how we are proposing to improve safety between Shepherd’s Bush Green and Holland Park Roundabout.

We want to hear your views on this project and how this may impact you.

You have until 3 March 2024 to give us your feedback.


We propose to provide a new high-quality Cycleway and improvements for pedestrians. The changes would make streets in the area safer and more pleasant by enabling people to walk and cycle more and drive less.

Please watch the video below to see a fly through of the changes we are proposing:

The changes we would like to make include:

  • New two-way protected cycle lane – From the eastern side of Shepherd’s Bush Green and along the southern side of Holland Park Roundabout connecting to Holland Park Avenue. There will be separate low level cycle signals at junctions, new cycle crossings and better connections to other local cycle routes
  • New section of priority bus lane - This is on the southside of Shepherd’s Bush Green
  • Improvement to the existing toucan crossing - This crossing outside Shepherd’s Bush station across Uxbridge Road and Shepherd’s Bush Green will be, widened, and realigned making it easier to cross
  • Sustainable drainage and Greening – We will add more trees and planting where space allows

Update 04 March 2024

This consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who responded. We are analysing your feedback and will report back shortly.

-update ends-A picture showing Holland Park Roundabout as it is now

On this page you can read about how we are proposing to improve safety between Shepherd’s Bush Green and Holland Park Roundabout.

We want to hear your views on this project and how this may impact you.

You have until 3 March 2024 to give us your feedback.


We propose to provide a new high-quality Cycleway and improvements for pedestrians. The changes would make streets in the area safer and more pleasant by enabling people to walk and cycle more and drive less.

Please watch the video below to see a fly through of the changes we are proposing:

The changes we would like to make include:

  • New two-way protected cycle lane – From the eastern side of Shepherd’s Bush Green and along the southern side of Holland Park Roundabout connecting to Holland Park Avenue. There will be separate low level cycle signals at junctions, new cycle crossings and better connections to other local cycle routes
  • New section of priority bus lane - This is on the southside of Shepherd’s Bush Green
  • Improvement to the existing toucan crossing - This crossing outside Shepherd’s Bush station across Uxbridge Road and Shepherd’s Bush Green will be, widened, and realigned making it easier to cross
  • Sustainable drainage and Greening – We will add more trees and planting where space allows

Submit a quick response

We know that life is busy and you may just have one short moment to tell us what you think of our proposals. That's why we now let you submit a quick consultation response.

This is different from our consultation survey as we ask just one short question "Tell us what you think of our proposal".

Your response can be long or short, but importantly it lets us know your views. 

You will need to register with our Have Your Say platform to give us your quick response, although your details will be kept secure.  

 You have until 3 March 2024 to give us your feedback.

Please note that responses to the survey will be made publicly available after the consultation has closed in the form of a report on the results. Your personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the requirements of privacy and data protection legislation. For further information, please visit our privacy policy.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Instead of reducing vehicular lanes, could you consider constructing raised or underground cycle paths. This would keep cyclists and pedestrians safe without impeding traffic flow. Cities like Copenhagen and Amsterdam have successfully implemented such solutions.

Notting Bill 3 months ago

Great idea as a cyclist

shogun1947 3 months ago

I object to this I’ll-thought through proposal as it will clearly increase congestion and pollution at enormous financial cost. There is not a problem for pedestrians whatsoever at the moment and if needs be cyclists can use the underpass.

Londerner100 3 months ago

I object to the plans, on the basis that:
•⁠ ⁠Will increase congestion
•⁠ ⁠Will increase air pollution
•⁠ ⁠Will increase rat running
•⁠ ⁠Will increase bus and emergency vehicle journey times
•⁠ ⁠Will reduce local resident access to roads out of London
•⁠ ⁠Will reduce customer flow to the local Holland Park Avenue shops
•⁠ ⁠Will increase the danger of cyclist-pedestrian collisions (particularly the elderly, children and disabled)

alicebeaumont 3 months ago

I started by taking the survey but the answers to the multiple choice questions are written such that it's obvious TFL will use the answers to support the changes - it's basically impossible to choose answers which mean "this is a terrible idea". So I'm submitting a quick response.

This is a terrible idea. The justification is that in 3 YEARS there have been 54 accidents and 59 injuries in that area, but only 14 of these are bicycle injuries, of which 6 were serious (I'm sure nobody died or that fact would be used to justify the changes). That's 1 serious injury every 6 months - I'm guessing more people are hurt falling down escalators in the Tube. Obviously it's better to have no injuries at all, but the pollution alone from the vehicle tailbacks will probably cause as much injury over 3 years! And it will hit young children in the area. Also Shepherds Bush bus station must service thousands daily - commuters, people using the buses for school, etc - and the damage to their daily travel schedules will be huge.

I will finish by saying that I live in the area but I travel around London by motorbike, so the stupidity of this stuff won't affect me at all. But the changes are still a terrible idea.

HollandParkAve 4 months ago

I am usually supportive of making London more cycle friendly. However I think the detriment of taking traffic lanes down from 3 to 2 in two areas is a terrible idea which would have a huge impact on traffic towards the M3. M4 and A40 as well as down Holland park road towards central London. Both of these route currently already struggle with the amount of traffic and this would only make things worse. Meaning the quieter residential sidestreets will have to take the pressure which will be noisy and unsafe for residents.
While it is a nice proposal for the cycle lanes to make crossing the holland park roundabout easier there is currently the underpass which is under used and unloved. I think with better signage and care this route is perfectly adequate for cyclists and pedestrians. For these reasons I am not supportive of this proposal going forward.

Holly1987 4 months ago

I am a local resident and I fully support this proposal

Aptaujas 4 months ago

While I support better traffic management to assist flow of buses, I am against removal of traffic lanes to support better cycle access. This is for several reasons;
1) the underground tunnel beneath the road about is quite adequate and I use it often
2) the removal of one of the traffic lanes will cause severe traffic build up along holland park avenue when traffic is bad enough at rush hour
3) further traffic along holland park is detrimental to noise and sound pollution
4) shepherds bush is am important route for emergency services and I am not convinced that the removal of one traffic lane will help the emergency services reach their destinations quickly with the increased vehicular traffic that will result due to these proposals
5) this scheme seems to be a partial resurrection in disguise of the proposal 5 years ago to make a dedicated cycle lane along holland park, which was rejected overwhelmingly by local residents.

tsz 4 months ago

An ill thought out proposal that will no doubt go ahead regardless. Looking forward to more congestion and pollution. See Park Lane, Bayswater Rd/Lancaster Gate as examples. These roads were not clogged with traffic before being reconfigured. Admittedly not great for cyclists at the time but not much better now. I’m a disabled driver and have been driving in London for 40 years. Nothing improves. Don’t get me started on Sloane St. most of the comments below are negative, as were those given by residents around Sloane St. Another 9 months of raid works over there apparently. Imagine Shepherd’s Bush dug up. Imagine the chaos on Ladbroke Grove/Canalside proposed works. Imagine the aftermath of that. Imagine South Kensington redeveloped. No matter what we say Mr Khan does what he wants.

Lauralou119 4 months ago

While it’s good to have safe cycling lanes, reducing the car lanes will certainly make our busy roads even crazier. Have you done the study of how congested the roads will become after this change? I don’t want to continue living in the area where you can’t take taxis or buses because cars are always stuck.

chocolate 4 months ago

Generally supportive of all plans that improve cycling in London. We need more protected cycleways to encourage more cycling as the solution to traffic and congestion. So this is definitely an improvement, as seeing cyclists on Shepherds Bush Roundabout has always looked unsafe and dangerous to me. Improving the crossing from W12 to Shepherds Bush underground station would be good - possibly adding railings to stop people crossing in the middle of traffic rather than at the lights.

aliceltb 4 months ago

These proposed cycle lanes will cause even more delays to the traffic in the area. There are already perfectly good cycle lanes and it seems pointless to add more, and in a way which will cause even more delays ..
Why is there a need for wider crossings? They are perfectly adequate at the moment. Bus Public transport is already subject to bad delays and these changes will just make them worse! Why are all the changes aimed at benefitting the cyclists, often to the detriment of the large proportion who are not?!
- many more of us need to use buses rather than cycle!
I both cycle and use buses.

JoBubble 4 months ago

Very supportive of the proposed changes, bringing safety improvements for pedestrians and cyclists, making it easier to cross this daunting junction and making faster for buses to progress. I can only hope the next phase of investments by TfL will deliver deeply needed improvements on the connected RBKC routes.

ChN 4 months ago

Reducing the car lanes by giving them over to the cycle or bus lanes is insane. All lanes are clearly required by cars and the knock on effect on the Holland Road North and the Holland Park Avenue West will make what is already untenable, worse. The cycle lane could simply go across the roundabout . from Holland Park Avenue to the new cycle lane toward the Shepherds Bush Green and from the South ( Holland Road) to the Holland Roundabout ( then East to Holland Road or West to Shepherds Bush) . They can have their own roundabout ON the roundabout. Also, are you not aware that people cross from the station to the South side without going to the crossing at the shopping centre. This will continue whatever you do, how can this be made safe) pedestrian lights / tunnel ? . Also the current cycle lane on the south side is unclear and dangerous to pedestrians / children/dogs as we walk west ( the cyclists come from behind) . It should be made safer if it continues to be shared.

Sinclair W14 4 months ago

WE have had years and years of roadworks and now it all works as well as it could. Another lot of cycle lanes that only serve to create congestion is utter waste of money and will make life a lot worse. How long will the tailback be with the changes?

Londonjaz 4 months ago

The cycle lane scheme on Park Lane has demonstrated the absurdity of removing traffic lanes to make way for cycle lanes which are poorly used at the best of times and only very lightly used during the winter months. TfL appears to ignore the delays that such schemes cause to the passage of buses, whose use we should surely be encouraging. I am strongly opposed to the proposal.

bluehoop 4 months ago

This ill conceived plan will cause more congestion, more pollution and indeed more danger to all Road users including cyclists, pedestrians and indeed drivers of electric cars and bikes

Londerner100 4 months ago

On the prosopal video at 0:43, where it shows "New 45m of priority bus lane", will the cycle crossing (parallel to the bus lane) be signal controlled as well? It is hard to tell from the renders, and the video has not highlighted if this crossing will be signal controlled or not.

If this junction is not signal controlled, then it is a serious safety issue for cyclists crossing, as they could be potentially hit by buses turning right into Ariel Way.

DeltaVictor 4 months ago

Waste of public money. Kahn does not believe in democracy and does what ever he wants to. This scheme will cause congestion. Education of cyclists would stop accidents. Spend some time with your eyes open and connected to your brain and note how cyclists navigate the roundabout. The only good observant ones are the ones delivering takeaways to residents. The other cyclists having accidents - and I have seen quite a few- are those with earphones on (no hearing sense) and complete disregard for other road users including pedestrians - see the cycling red light runners!

poorpensioner 4 months ago
Page last updated: 01 May 2024, 12:13 PM