241 bus route - proposed extension to Here East
Consultation has concluded
You can find updates on the scheme, including the consultation report, by clicking on the Latest News button.
We asked for your views about a proposal to extend bus route 241 from Stratford City Bus Station in the London Borough of Newham to Here East in the London Borough of Hackney.
By clicking on each of the buttons below, you can read more about what was proposed and how this may impact you.
We are proposing to extend the 241 bus route from Stratford City Bus Station to Here East via Montfichet Road, Pool Street, Carpenters Road, Sweetwater Place, Bassett Lane, Marshgate Lane, Waterden Road, and Lesney Avenue.
In addition, we are proposing to increase Sunday daytime frequency from every 15 minutes to every 12 minutes. No further changes to the frequency of the service is proposed as part of this scheme, meaning that passengers of route 241 will still have a bus every 10 minutes at peak times.Buses play a crucial role in making London a more prosperous city, connecting Londoners to their work, education, families, friends, shopping, and leisure. It’s a sustainable alternative to cars, for journeys that can’t be walked or cycled. The bus is already one of our most affordable, accessible and inclusive forms of transport. Our Bus action plan is about increasing the number of bus journeys by making bus travel better, faster and greener.
(click on map for a larger version)At present, there are no bus service on Carpenters Road, Sweetwater Place and part of Marshgate Lane. By making the proposed changes, residents, workers and visitors would be able to use buses to travel to and from places like the Stratford Waterfront, Sweetwater, East Wick developments as well as Here East.
The extended route will connect the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park with various parts of London Borough of Newham including the Royal Docks, Custom House and Plaistow.
As part of the scheme, bus stops would be provided along the proposed route to bring the new developments in the area within 400m of the bus network (in line with the targets in the Mayor’s Transport Strategy).
How it impacts you
At the moment, routes 339 and 388 run between Stratford and the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. The proposed changes to route 241 will benefit bus passengers by improving connectivity between Stratford City Bus Station and local destinations in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and reducing the need to interchange with routes 339 or 388.
For example, existing passengers travelling between Stratford City and Here East would benefit from an improved frequency with a bus every 5-6 minutes on routes 388 and 241 instead of a bus every 12 minutes on route 388 only. Passengers who travel between Stratford City and Pool Street would benefit from an increased frequency with a bus every 6 minutes on routes 339 and 241 instead of a bus every 15 minutes on route 339 only.
The proposal would improve accessibility by offering direct and frequent journey opportunities for many of the groups of Londoners who face barriers to travelling around the network; including but not exclusive to older people, disabled people, people travelling with children or dependants, members of the LGBTQ+ community and lower paid workers.
Equalities Impact Assessment
Our Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) identifies:
- The affects these proposals could have on people
- How we propose to minimise any negative impacts
After we have considered all comments, the EqIA will be reviewed and may be updated.
We use the EqIA to help us decide if, and how, we should proceed with these proposals.
Accessible Information
We want to make sure everyone is able to take part in our consultations. To help make it accessible to everyone we have provided:
You can translate the information on this page into another language by using the ‘Select language’ button at the bottom of the page
Connecting with London's deaf community on our consultations
To further enhance how we consult with London's deaf community we offer:
- A British Sign Language (BSL) video of our proposals and survey
- A BSL conversation service. This allows the TfL consultation lead to have a two-way BSL translated discussion with a BSL user. To request a BSL conversation please contact us at haveyoursay@tfl.gov.uk and we will be in contact to arrange a convenient time
Tell us your views
You can reply by completing our survey, which should take no more than 10 minutes to complete or if you are short on time, you can submit a quick response.
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The closing date for comments is 8 July 2024.
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You can use our question tool during the consultation period. We will respond to your questions as soon as we can.
You can also contact us by email, via our telephone call back service (020 3054 6037) or in writing (FREEPOST TFL HAVE YOUR SAY)
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Update 8 November 2024
Between 28 May and 8 July 2024, we held a public consultation on a proposal to extend bus route 241 from Stratford City Bus Station in the London Borough of Newham to Here East in the London Borough of Hackney.
We have now published our report on the outcomes of the consultation, which you can view in the Documents section of this webpage.
We received 244 responses to the consultation. Our responses to the main issues raised during the consultation is included in Appendix A of the report.
After fully considering the consultation responses, we have decided to proceed with the scheme as consulted upon.
Update 9 July 2024
This consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who responded. We are analysing your feedback and will report back shortly.
The report will be available to everyone that takes part in the consultation and a copy will be published on our website.
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