Noise barriers on the A102

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Consultation has concluded

Consultation update 24 February 2022 

Between 26 October and 23 November 2021, we consulted on proposals for a noise barrier on the A102 as part of the Silvertown Tunnel project.  

We asked for responses on whether residents support the construction of a noise barrier, the colour of the proposed noise barrier which we plan to construct with timber, where to end the barrier and how the proposals would affect people. We received 17 responses to the consultation.

Respondents were unanimously in favour of a noise barrier, aside from one respondent who was unsure. 

When asked about the proposed colour of

Consultation update 24 February 2022 

Between 26 October and 23 November 2021, we consulted on proposals for a noise barrier on the A102 as part of the Silvertown Tunnel project.  

We asked for responses on whether residents support the construction of a noise barrier, the colour of the proposed noise barrier which we plan to construct with timber, where to end the barrier and how the proposals would affect people. We received 17 responses to the consultation.

Respondents were unanimously in favour of a noise barrier, aside from one respondent who was unsure. 

When asked about the proposed colour of the barrier, respondents were overall in favour of a natural wood coloured barrier with eight responses supporting this. Three respondents also commented that they would prefer a “green wall” style barrier, with others preferring a different coloured barrier.  

Regarding where to end the barrier, five respondents wanted to end the barrier at the junction with Charlton Road, with one preferring to end it at the embankment.  

In response to the question of how the proposed barrier would affect respondents, positive comments were provided, with respondents supporting a reduction in noise provided by the barrier, as well as more privacy from the nearby road, reduced pollution and litter. Respondents also commented that they would be able to enjoy their gardens more with the construction of a barrier.  

Some comments were received suggesting that the barrier should be built higher than 2 metres across the proposed length as some residents felt that it would not be high enough. Some respondents felt that a “green wall” style barrier could have been used and were concerned about potential deflected noise.  

After carefully considering all responses and feedback received, we have decided to go ahead with our proposals. We will now progress to a more detailed concept design stage, based on our preferred option of a timber unstained structure which will extend to the junction with Charlton Road.   

As we produce the detailed concept design we will be in touch with residents and stakeholders during the design process.  

Alongside design and planning approval, we will need to do additional work ahead of constructing the noise barrier including procurement, applications for traffic management orders and other permits. Subject to this proceeding without delays, we plan to be on site to start the works in 2023.   

For further details please see our consultation report in the 'Documents' section.

- update ends -


We are asking for your views about the noise barriers we plan to install on the A102 to reduce the impact of traffic noise on properties in the Siebert Road, Invicta Road and Westcombe Hill area.

We spoke to residents at a virtual meeting in February 2021 and the feedback helped us ensure our options study considered the things residents said were important. Before we finalise our plans we would like to understand how our proposals will affect local people and obtain your opinions, particularly around the colour of the noise barriers and how far they should extend in a southerly direction towards the junction with Charlton Road.

The noise barriers will be situated alongside the A102 from the railway viaduct towards the junction with Charlton Road, in order to reduce the traffic noise to residents most effectively.


The Silvertown Tunnel scheme is a planned road tunnel under the Thames between Silvertown and the Greenwich Peninsula. The scheme includes the introduction of user charging at the Silvertown and Blackwall Tunnels, and a transformative new cross-river bus network. This will address the longstanding issues of congestion, poor reliability and a lack of resilience at the Blackwall Tunnel, and allow us to better manage cross-river traffic; encouraging people to travel at less impactful times, in cleaner vehicles or to switch to public transport where possible.

As part of the Silvertown Tunnel scheme, Transport for London has committed to a number of enhancements for the local communities either side of the river, including the installation of noise barriers to address pre-existing noise along the western edge of the A102, between the junction with the B210 Charlton Road and the railway viaduct.

Location of the proposed noise barrier 

A map showing the proposed barrier location can be found in the 'Documents' section. The dotted line close to Charlton Road is where there is still some flexibility about the extent of the barrier.

Our Proposal

We are proposing to install free-standing barriers on most of the route between Westcombe Hill viaduct and Charlton Road. At the Bramshot Avenue Subway, we intend to attach the noise barrier to the subway structure.

The barriers will be installed on TfL and Council owned land adjoining the highway whenever possible. A potential exception is between 55 and 113 Westcombe Hill, where an option to locate the barrier in a layby of the A102 is also being explored.

The barrier is proposed to be 2m high along Westcombe Hill Road and Siebert Road and along part of Invicta Road, following extensive studies from our acoustics experts to ensure a reasonable reduction in noise at this location. The height is proposed to increase to 3m at the southern end of Invicta Road. This is to enable the taller buildings and flats on higher levels in this area to also receive the benefit of the noise barrier.

A diagram showing the proposed barrier location can be found in the 'Documents' section.

Following our feasibility studies, we propose that the barrier will be made from timber as it can be easily installed, made sustainably and is most cost effective. It is a popular choice for this type of barrier due to its high performance.

Our proposal is for the barrier to be in a natural, light brown wood colour but we would like to hear from residents about their preferences for the colour of this barrier.

Dark green, dark red or brown, could also be an option, if residents would prefer these colours. However, wood staining is more expensive both for construction and replacing panels in the future so is not our favoured option.

We are aware that residents have previously proposed a green wall. We carefully considered whether this would be possible, but we have concluded that it would be more expensive and challenging to install and would require regular maintenance, requiring regular access to your properties. It would also be less effective in reducing noise at this location.

The images below, from other locations, show how a noise barrier may look if made from timber in its uncoloured form.

Timber free standing barrier - image 1Timber free standing barrier - image 1

Timber free standing barrier - image 2Timber free standing barrier - image 2

Extent and length of the barrier 

We are considering some options regarding the extent of the proposed noise barrier.

One option could be to finish the barrier at the junction with the B210 Charlton Road Overbridge and another could be for the barrier to end earlier between Wentworth House and 2-12 Invicta Road. We would like to hear from residents on Invicta Road about their preferences.

Finishing the barrier at the junction with the B210 Charlton Road Overbridge will require more vegetation clearance but would offer the greatest noise reduction to the properties in that location, notably Wentworth House.

Finishing the barrier earlier, between 2-12 Invicta Road and Wentworth House will require less vegetation clearance but would also offer less noise reduction to the properties in that location, notably Wentworth House.

The images below show the vegetation at the top of the embankment that could be affected.

Affected vegetation - top of embankment image 1Affected vegetation - top of embankment image 1

Affected vegetation - top of embankment image 2Affected vegetation - top of embankment image 2

Further information about the Silvertown Tunnel scheme 

More information about the Silvertown Tunnel project can be found on our website:

Next steps 

Following the consultation, we will publish the results as soon as possible and the feedback received will inform our ongoing design work. Once the design is completed we will also be in touch with residents directly to share our plans for the finalised noise barrier.

Following this, we will need to do considerable work ahead of constructing the noise barrier, including procurement procedures, traffic management orders planning and gaining other permits. Subject to this proceeding without delays, we plan to be on site in 2023.

Have your say 

We would like to know what you think about our proposals. We are running a public consultation and you can give us your views by completing the online survey below by Tuesday 23 November 2021.

It should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete. To take part you will need to register with your email address. Your details will be kept secure and only used with your permission to update you about the outcome of the consultation and our next steps.

Alternatively, if you prefer not to complete the survey you can:

Exhibition event

We are holding an exhibition event on Saturday 6 November 2021 (10:00 - 16:00) at Mycenae House, 90 Mycenae Road, London SE3 7SE.

Come along to view our exhibition and speak to the project team. You will also be able to fill out a paper feedback form here if you would prefer.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please share your views on our proposals by taking part in this survey. It should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete.  

    Please note responses to the survey may be made publicly available after the engagement exercise has closed, this would typically be in the form of a report on the results of the engagement exercise, but any personal information will be kept confidential. Your personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the requirements of privacy and data protection legislation. For further information, please visit our privacy policy.

    Consultation has concluded
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