A205 Brownhill Road/Torridon Road
We have made some changes to the junction of the A205 South Circular Road (Brownhill Road) and Torridon Road to make sure that pedestrians can use three new pedestrian crossings at the junction safely and comfortably while ensuring that traffic, including bus services, continues to move through the junction smoothly.
We are holding a six month public consultation to gather your views on how these changes to traffic movements are affecting you and the local area – it is possible that your views may change over time so you can respond as often as you like over the consultation period.
The consultation period has now closed. You can find updates on the scheme in the 'Latest news' section.
We have installed three new pedestrian crossings at the junction. These have been installed on a permanent basis in response to the poor pedestrian safety record at this junction. As the crossings are now permanent, they are not part of this consultation.
In addition to the crossings, we have introduced two banned turns at the junction of Torridon Road and the A205. We hope this will prevent long waits for pedestrians waiting to cross the junction, and to prevent additional bus and traffic delays. We have introduced these on an experimental basis so that we can monitor the impacts on the road network and to allow a flexible approach to how we manage the traffic through this junction, on a heavily used stretch of the South Circular. It is the impact of these banned turns that we are seeking your feedback on.
The turns we have removed are as follows:
- Traffic travelling southbound on Torridon Road may not turn right onto the A205 Brownhill Road towards Catford
- Traffic travelling northbound on Torridon Road may not turn left onto the A205 Brownhill Road towards Catford
- We have implemented these restrictions using an Experimental Traffic Order (ETRO). The ETRO will run until autumn 2025 and we will then decide whether to make changes, keep the banned turns in place, or remove them.
The banned turns are depicted in red on the photo below:
- We have installed three permanent pedestrian crossings at this junction to respond to the poor safety record at this junction, including a pedestrian fatality in 2019
- The banned turns are intended to help traffic, including bus services, efficiently move through the junction
- The changes support the Vision Zero ambitions to eliminate deaths and serious injuries on London’s roads by 2041. They also support Active Travel ambitions for 80 per cent of journeys to be made by walking, cycling or public transport by 2041 by making it easier for people to walk in the area and maintaining efficient bus journey times
- We have introduced the changes as an experiment to allow us to monitor the impact of the changes and how the junction operates over time
- Doing this as an experiment also means we can take a more flexible approach to management of traffic flows in the area
More information on experimental traffic orders can be found in the More information tab.
How it impacts you
Traffic seeking to access the A205 toward Catford using Torridon Road will need to find alternative routes
- Other local roads may initially experience increased traffic levels
- The aim is for the impact on the local area and environment to be neutral
Equalities Impact Assessment
Our Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) identifies:
- The impact the scheme is having on people, including those with protected characteristics
- How we have attempted to mitigate any negative impacts
After we’ve considered all comments, the EqIA will be reviewed and may be updated.
We use the EqIA to help us decide if, and how, we should proceed with these proposals.
Please let us know about your experiences of the scheme by completing our survey.
More Information
We will be holding three drop in events, where members of the project team will be available to discuss the changes and answer questions:
- Tuesday 10 September, 15:00 - 19:00
Corbett Community Library, 103 Torridon Road, SE6 1RQ - Saturday 5 October, 10:00 - 13:00
Corbett Community Library, 103 Torridon Road, SE6 1RQ - Tuesday 12 November, 15:00 - 19:00
St Christopher Fellowship Church Hall, 31A Torridon Road, SE6 1AQ
We have also provided more information to help you respond:
Accessible Information
We want to make sure everyone is able to take part in our consultations. To help make it accessible to everyone we have provided:
You can translate the information on this page into another language by using the ‘Select language’ button at the bottom of the page
Connecting with London's deaf community on our consultations
To further enhance how we consult with London's deaf community we offer:
- A British Sign Language (BSL) video of our proposals and survey
- A BSL conversation service. This allows the TfL consultation lead to have a two-way BSL translated discussion with a BSL user. To request a BSL conversation please contact us at haveyoursay@tfl.gov.uk and we will be in contact to arrange a convenient time
Tell us your views
You can let us know what you think about the impact of the changes on you and your local communityby completing our survey, which should take no more than 10 minutes. As your views of the scheme may change over this time, you can submit as many responses as you like throughout the consultation period.
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The closing date for comments is Sunday 12 January 2025.
Return to the top of the pageQuestions?
If you have any questions about the scheme you can use the question tool on this website.
You can also email haveyoursay@tfl.gov.uk or telephone 020 3054 6037 and a member of the team will get back to you.
We will also be holding three drop in events:
- Tuesday 10 September, 15:00 - 19:00
Corbett Community Library, 103 Torridon Road, SE6 1RQ - Saturday 5 October, 10:00 - 13:00
Corbett Community Library, 103 Torridon Road, SE6 1RQ - Tuesday 12 November, 15:00 - 19:00
St Christopher Fellowship Church Hall, 31A Torridon Road, SE6 1AQ
At these events, members of the project team will be available to discuss the changes and answer questions.
Return to the top of the pageLatest news
Update 13 January 2025
This consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who responded. We are analysing your feedback and will report back shortly.
The report will be sent to everyone that took part in the consultation and a copy will be published on our website.
We will take into account factors such as the feedback received from the consultation, journey times (including for buses) and safety data to decide whether the changes will be amended, removed or kept on a permanent basis.
If you have any questions about the scheme, you can ask us here and we will get back to you.
Please note that any questions you ask may be visible to others and will be subject to moderation. Any personal information will be kept confidential but your user name will be displayed. Further details on moderation are available here and privacy here.