Route 394 - proposed extension to King’s Cross Central

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Photograph of route 394 bus

Update February 2024

This consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who responded. We are analysing your feedback and will report back shortly.

-update ends-

We would like to hear your views about proposed changes to bus route 394 in the King’s Cross and Angel areas of the boroughs of Camden and Islington.

We are proposing to extend bus route 394 from its terminus at Tolpuddle Street in Islington via Barnsbury Road and Copenhagen Street to terminate within the King's Cross Central development on Canal Reach.

The London Borough of Islington are working on separate proposals to improve cycling and walking on Copenhagen Street. These proposals are at an early stage and, should they decide to make changes, the London Borough of Islington will consult on these separately in due course.

On this page you can read more about what is proposed and how this may impact you. You can also view maps, ask questions, give feedback, and find out about other ways to get in touch and take part.

Summary of proposals


How these proposals may change your bus journey

Equalities Impact Assessment

How you can find out more

Tell us your views

What happens next

Summary of proposals

A map showing the proposed changes to route 394 can be found below:

Map showing proposed changes to route 394Larger image

The proposed changes to route 394 include:

  • Towards King’s Cross Central, route 394 would newly serve existing bus stop V on Tolpuddle Street, then stop G on Barnsbury Road, then stop T on Copenhagen Street

  • Route 394 would then serve new a bus stop on Copenhagen Street (between the junctions with Caledonian Road and York Way)

  • Existing stop F on York Way would be newly served by route 394 towards King’s Cross Central

  • Route 394 would serve a new stop on Canal Reach which would also be its terminus

  • Returning from Canal Reach towards Tolpuddle Street and Homerton Hospital, route 394 would serve the new stop on Canal Reach, a new stop on Handyside Street and a new bus stop on Copenhagen Street

  • From the western section of Copenhagen Street, it would newly serve existing stops T on the eastern section of Copenhagen Street and Y on Barnsbury Road followed by the current first eastbound pick-up point, stop W on Tolpuddle Street, from where the route would proceed to Homerton Hospital on its existing routeing as it does now

  • All existing bus stops on route 394 would continue to be served (except for stop R on Pentonville Road and the current final alighting point on Tolpuddle Street. Passengers who currently use stop R would be able to use the previous stop; J, on City Road, which is approximately 220 metres from stop R. The current last stop on Tolpuddle Street would be replaced by stop Z on the opposite side of the road at the same location

Read more about the proposed changes to route 394.


Image of bus stop on Liverpool Road

London’s bus network is our most affordable, accessible, and available form of public transport and offers the main sustainable alternative to cars for those journeys that cannot easily be walked or cycled. It is also London’s most flexible mode of public transport.

We continuously review and adapt the bus network to reflect changing customer needs. This includes proposing changes to existing bus routes, so services operate in areas where our customers need them most, including serving new homes and emerging new communities such as those in the King’s Cross Central development.

Read more about how we are increasing the number of bus journeys by making bus travel better, faster and greener in our Bus action plan.

King’s Cross Central is a mixed-use development to the north of King's Cross and St Pancras International stations. The neighbourhood includes almost 1,750 new homes, five million square feet of retail, office and leisure space and 26 acres of public space, as well as Central Saint Martins - University of the Arts London which is home to 5,000 students. The neighbourhood is still partly under construction, with work due to finish in 2025. Once complete, more than 41,000 people will live, work and study in King’s Cross - the people our proposal is designed to support.

Equalities Impact Assessment

Our Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) identifies:

  • The affects these proposals could have on people
  • How we propose to minimise any negative impacts

After we’ve considered all comments, the EqIA will be reviewed and may be updated.

We use the EqIA to help us decide if, and how, we should proceed with these proposals.

How you can find out more

We have provided more information to help you respond, and we want this consultation to be accessible to everyone.

You can use the questions tool on this page during the consultation period. We will respond your questions as soon as we can.

If you need to translate this page into another language, please use the ‘Select language’ button at the bottom of this page.

Connecting with London's deaf community on our consultations

British Sign Language videos of the proposals and survey are available.

To further enhance how we engage and consult with London's deaf community we are trialling a British Sign Language (BSL) consultation conversation service for this consultation. This service will allow the TfL consultation lead to have a two-way BSL translated discussion on any aspect of this consultation with a BSL speaker.

To request a BSL consultation conversation please contact us at and we will be in contact to arrange this at a convenient time. Following this trial, we will evaluate the service to determine if this is something we are able to offer on other consultations in the future.

What happens next

These proposals are subject to the outcome of our consultation. Once consultation ends on 21 January 2024, we will spend time considering all the responses we receive and will prepare a consultation report.

The consultation report will help us reach a decision about how bus route 394 may change.

A copy of the report will be available to everyone that takes part in the consultation and a copy will be published on our website.

Photograph of route 394 bus

Update February 2024

This consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who responded. We are analysing your feedback and will report back shortly.

-update ends-

We would like to hear your views about proposed changes to bus route 394 in the King’s Cross and Angel areas of the boroughs of Camden and Islington.

We are proposing to extend bus route 394 from its terminus at Tolpuddle Street in Islington via Barnsbury Road and Copenhagen Street to terminate within the King's Cross Central development on Canal Reach.

The London Borough of Islington are working on separate proposals to improve cycling and walking on Copenhagen Street. These proposals are at an early stage and, should they decide to make changes, the London Borough of Islington will consult on these separately in due course.

On this page you can read more about what is proposed and how this may impact you. You can also view maps, ask questions, give feedback, and find out about other ways to get in touch and take part.

Summary of proposals


How these proposals may change your bus journey

Equalities Impact Assessment

How you can find out more

Tell us your views

What happens next

Summary of proposals

A map showing the proposed changes to route 394 can be found below:

Map showing proposed changes to route 394Larger image

The proposed changes to route 394 include:

  • Towards King’s Cross Central, route 394 would newly serve existing bus stop V on Tolpuddle Street, then stop G on Barnsbury Road, then stop T on Copenhagen Street

  • Route 394 would then serve new a bus stop on Copenhagen Street (between the junctions with Caledonian Road and York Way)

  • Existing stop F on York Way would be newly served by route 394 towards King’s Cross Central

  • Route 394 would serve a new stop on Canal Reach which would also be its terminus

  • Returning from Canal Reach towards Tolpuddle Street and Homerton Hospital, route 394 would serve the new stop on Canal Reach, a new stop on Handyside Street and a new bus stop on Copenhagen Street

  • From the western section of Copenhagen Street, it would newly serve existing stops T on the eastern section of Copenhagen Street and Y on Barnsbury Road followed by the current first eastbound pick-up point, stop W on Tolpuddle Street, from where the route would proceed to Homerton Hospital on its existing routeing as it does now

  • All existing bus stops on route 394 would continue to be served (except for stop R on Pentonville Road and the current final alighting point on Tolpuddle Street. Passengers who currently use stop R would be able to use the previous stop; J, on City Road, which is approximately 220 metres from stop R. The current last stop on Tolpuddle Street would be replaced by stop Z on the opposite side of the road at the same location

Read more about the proposed changes to route 394.


Image of bus stop on Liverpool Road

London’s bus network is our most affordable, accessible, and available form of public transport and offers the main sustainable alternative to cars for those journeys that cannot easily be walked or cycled. It is also London’s most flexible mode of public transport.

We continuously review and adapt the bus network to reflect changing customer needs. This includes proposing changes to existing bus routes, so services operate in areas where our customers need them most, including serving new homes and emerging new communities such as those in the King’s Cross Central development.

Read more about how we are increasing the number of bus journeys by making bus travel better, faster and greener in our Bus action plan.

King’s Cross Central is a mixed-use development to the north of King's Cross and St Pancras International stations. The neighbourhood includes almost 1,750 new homes, five million square feet of retail, office and leisure space and 26 acres of public space, as well as Central Saint Martins - University of the Arts London which is home to 5,000 students. The neighbourhood is still partly under construction, with work due to finish in 2025. Once complete, more than 41,000 people will live, work and study in King’s Cross - the people our proposal is designed to support.

Equalities Impact Assessment

Our Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) identifies:

  • The affects these proposals could have on people
  • How we propose to minimise any negative impacts

After we’ve considered all comments, the EqIA will be reviewed and may be updated.

We use the EqIA to help us decide if, and how, we should proceed with these proposals.

How you can find out more

We have provided more information to help you respond, and we want this consultation to be accessible to everyone.

You can use the questions tool on this page during the consultation period. We will respond your questions as soon as we can.

If you need to translate this page into another language, please use the ‘Select language’ button at the bottom of this page.

Connecting with London's deaf community on our consultations

British Sign Language videos of the proposals and survey are available.

To further enhance how we engage and consult with London's deaf community we are trialling a British Sign Language (BSL) consultation conversation service for this consultation. This service will allow the TfL consultation lead to have a two-way BSL translated discussion on any aspect of this consultation with a BSL speaker.

To request a BSL consultation conversation please contact us at and we will be in contact to arrange this at a convenient time. Following this trial, we will evaluate the service to determine if this is something we are able to offer on other consultations in the future.

What happens next

These proposals are subject to the outcome of our consultation. Once consultation ends on 21 January 2024, we will spend time considering all the responses we receive and will prepare a consultation report.

The consultation report will help us reach a decision about how bus route 394 may change.

A copy of the report will be available to everyone that takes part in the consultation and a copy will be published on our website.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We are holding a six-week public consultation to hear what you think about these proposals. We want to know if you agree with them, if there is anything you do not agree with, and to understand the reasons why you feel this way. 

    You can reply by completing our survey, which should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. The closing date for comments is Sunday 21 January 2024

    To take part in our online survey you will need to register with your email address. Your details will be kept secure

    If you prefer, you can also let us have your comments by:

    • Email:
    • Telephone: 020 3054 6037 to leave your name and contact number and we will call you back. Please quote 'Route 394 extension' when leaving your message
    • Write to: FREEPOST TFL HAVE YOUR SAY (Route 394) no postage stamp required 

    Please note responses to the survey may be made publicly available after the consultation has closed, this would typically be in the form of a report on the results of the consultation exercise, but any personal information will be kept confidential. Your personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the requirements of privacy and data protection legislation. For further information, please visit our privacy policy

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Page last updated: 07 Feb 2024, 05:27 PM