Brentford to Syon Park walking and cycling improvements

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We are proposing to help people walk and cycle between Brentford and Syon Park along Brentford High Street and London Road from Alexandra Road to Beech Avenue.

We want to hear your views on our new proposals and how they may impact you.

You have until Monday 9 September to give us your feedback.

By clicking on each of the following buttons, you can read more about the changes and how this may impact you. You can also view maps, ask questions, give feedback, and find out about other ways to get in touch and take part.


Please watch the video below to see a fly through of the changes we are proposing:

This is the first phase of a set of improvements along Brentford High Street, London Road and Hounslow High Street between Brentford and Hounslow town centres.

We consulted on our initial ideas between 5 January and 16 February 2022 and are currently developing proposals for the rest of the route from Syon Park to Hounslow Town Centre which we will consult on in the future.

Our proposals affect the section of Brentford High Street and London Road from Alexandra Road to Beech Avenue. The principal changes we are proposing:

  • New protected cycle lanes in both directions along Brentford High Street between Alexandra Road and Beech Avenue.
  • New and improved pedestrian crossings along the route, making it easier for people to cross the street.
  • Changes to the layout of four bus stops
  • Changes to make the area feel more pleasant and help it adapt to climate change. We are working with the London Borough of Hounslow to identify potential space for trees, rain gardens, and sustainable drainage systems

Our traffic modelling suggests some minor increases in journey times for general traffic on the route, while bus journey times should remain broadly the same or even to improve.

We have explained the changes in more detail in the How it impacts you section.

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We are proposing to help people walk and cycle between Brentford and Syon Park along Brentford High Street and London Road from Alexandra Road to Beech Avenue.

We want to hear your views on our new proposals and how they may impact you.

You have until Monday 9 September to give us your feedback.

By clicking on each of the following buttons, you can read more about the changes and how this may impact you. You can also view maps, ask questions, give feedback, and find out about other ways to get in touch and take part.


Please watch the video below to see a fly through of the changes we are proposing:

This is the first phase of a set of improvements along Brentford High Street, London Road and Hounslow High Street between Brentford and Hounslow town centres.

We consulted on our initial ideas between 5 January and 16 February 2022 and are currently developing proposals for the rest of the route from Syon Park to Hounslow Town Centre which we will consult on in the future.

Our proposals affect the section of Brentford High Street and London Road from Alexandra Road to Beech Avenue. The principal changes we are proposing:

  • New protected cycle lanes in both directions along Brentford High Street between Alexandra Road and Beech Avenue.
  • New and improved pedestrian crossings along the route, making it easier for people to cross the street.
  • Changes to the layout of four bus stops
  • Changes to make the area feel more pleasant and help it adapt to climate change. We are working with the London Borough of Hounslow to identify potential space for trees, rain gardens, and sustainable drainage systems

Our traffic modelling suggests some minor increases in journey times for general traffic on the route, while bus journey times should remain broadly the same or even to improve.

We have explained the changes in more detail in the How it impacts you section.

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CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

If you have any questions about the scheme, you can ask us here and we will get back to you.

Please note that any questions you ask may be visible to others and will be subject to moderation. Any personal information will be kept confidential but your user name will be displayed. Further details on moderation are available here and privacy here.

  • Share How wide are the cycle lanes? The sections I have seen under construction from Kew bridge do not appear wide enough for cyclists to over take slower moving cyclists without bumping onto the footpath or dropping down a kerb into the road. on Facebook Share How wide are the cycle lanes? The sections I have seen under construction from Kew bridge do not appear wide enough for cyclists to over take slower moving cyclists without bumping onto the footpath or dropping down a kerb into the road. on Twitter Share How wide are the cycle lanes? The sections I have seen under construction from Kew bridge do not appear wide enough for cyclists to over take slower moving cyclists without bumping onto the footpath or dropping down a kerb into the road. on Linkedin Email How wide are the cycle lanes? The sections I have seen under construction from Kew bridge do not appear wide enough for cyclists to over take slower moving cyclists without bumping onto the footpath or dropping down a kerb into the road. link

    How wide are the cycle lanes? The sections I have seen under construction from Kew bridge do not appear wide enough for cyclists to over take slower moving cyclists without bumping onto the footpath or dropping down a kerb into the road.

    TW710 asked about 2 months ago

    Thanks for your question. 

    The cycle lanes proposed in this scheme range from 1.5m to 2.8m depending on the location, which is within the DfT guidance. This is governed by site constraints and making sure that provision is also made for pedestrians, whilst maintaining sufficiently wide general traffic lanes.  

  • Share The Detailed Maps sheets 3 and 4 have graphic errors and don't make much sense, please can they be corrected and re-published. Please can the legend be expanded to explain how the cycle lanes are protected and are they level with the carriageway or pavement - ie. kerbs, stepped tracks, wands? on Facebook Share The Detailed Maps sheets 3 and 4 have graphic errors and don't make much sense, please can they be corrected and re-published. Please can the legend be expanded to explain how the cycle lanes are protected and are they level with the carriageway or pavement - ie. kerbs, stepped tracks, wands? on Twitter Share The Detailed Maps sheets 3 and 4 have graphic errors and don't make much sense, please can they be corrected and re-published. Please can the legend be expanded to explain how the cycle lanes are protected and are they level with the carriageway or pavement - ie. kerbs, stepped tracks, wands? on Linkedin Email The Detailed Maps sheets 3 and 4 have graphic errors and don't make much sense, please can they be corrected and re-published. Please can the legend be expanded to explain how the cycle lanes are protected and are they level with the carriageway or pavement - ie. kerbs, stepped tracks, wands? link

    The Detailed Maps sheets 3 and 4 have graphic errors and don't make much sense, please can they be corrected and re-published. Please can the legend be expanded to explain how the cycle lanes are protected and are they level with the carriageway or pavement - ie. kerbs, stepped tracks, wands?

    Stephen Donnelly asked about 2 months ago

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have been having occasional technical issues with the detailed maps when they are viewed in certain browsers which we have now resolved . 

    The maps follow our standard layout for consultations on highway schemes. All the protection for cyclists is provided with a physical kerb. The cycle track will be a mixture of  carriageway level, stepped and footway level cycle racks. No wands or light segregation are currently proposed.

Page last updated: 10 Sep 2024, 08:09 AM